System Requirements
- For PC
- For MAC
- For Linux
- OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
- Processor: Dual-Core 2.2 GHz
- Memory: 4GB
- Video Card: DirectX 11 level video card: AMD Radeon 77XX / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660. The minimum supported resolution for the game is 720p.
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 17 GB
- OS: Windows 10/11 (64 bit)
- Processor: Intel Core i5 or Ryzen 5 3600 and better
- Memory: 16 GB and more
- Video Card: DirectX 11 level video card or higher and drivers: Nvidia GeForce 1060 and higher, Radeon RX 570 and higher
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 95 GB
- OS: Mac OS Big Sur 11.0 or newer
- Processor: Core i5, minimum 2.2GHz (Intel Xeon is not supported)
- Memory: 6 GB
- Video Card: Intel Iris Pro 5200 (Mac), or analog from AMD/Nvidia for Mac. Minimum supported resolution for the game is 720p with Metal support.
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 17 GB
- OS: Mac OS Big Sur 11.0 or newer
- Processor: Core i7 (Intel Xeon is not supported)
- Memory: 8 GB
- Video Card: Radeon Vega II or higher with Metal support.
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 95 GB
- OS: Most modern 64bit Linux distributions
- Processor: Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
- Memory: 4 GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA 660 with latest proprietary drivers (not older than 6 months) / similar AMD with latest proprietary drivers (not older than 6 months; the minimum supported resolution for the game is 720p) with Vulkan support.
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 17 GB
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 64bit
- Processor: Intel Core i7
- Memory: 16 GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA 1060 with latest proprietary drivers (not older than 6 months) / similar AMD (Radeon RX 570) with latest proprietary drivers (not older than 6 months) with Vulkan support.
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 95 GB
War Thunder 1.89 "Imperial Navy" - Changelog
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WAR THUNDER PRESENTS Update 1.89 “Imperial Navy”
Imperial Japanese Navy, new naval vessels, ground vehicles, aircraft and helicopters, two new locations, updated clouds plus numerous fixes and updates for existing machines and game mechanics. This and much more awaits you in update 1.89 "Imperial Navy"!
Naval Fleet & Japanese Navy
- Type T-14
- Type T-1
- Type T-38
- Karo-Tei Type 2
- Seha-Tei Model 1
- Type 5
- AB-Tei Pioneer
- AB-Tei Serial
- CH-2
- CH-8
- T-51b
- No.13 Type, 1944
- Type 11
- Chikugo
- IJN Mutsuki
- IJN Fubuki
- IJN Yugumo
- IJN Akizuki
- IJN Kuma
- IJN Kako
- IJN Agano
- IJN Furutaka
- PG 02 (pack)
- IJN Kiyoshimo (pack)
- Groza
Great Britain
- HMS Southampton
New helicopter!
Ground Forces
Great Britain
Aircraft and Helicopters
- J5N1
- AH-1S (pack)
New locations and missions
- New location “Smolensk” with appropriate aircraft missions has been added.
- Aircraft and helicopter “Enduring Confrontation” in location “Afghanistan” has been added.
- Naval location “Volcanic Island” has been added.
- New naval missions in the locations “Green mountains gulf” (boats), “Black Sea Port” (boats) and “Fuego islands” (boats) have been added.
Location and mission updates
- The models of buildings in Sicily and Malta have been updated.
- Balance of the capture zones in Alaska has been corrected.
- Roads and bridges have been added to the location “Afghanistan”.
- Ramps, fords and tracks into the water in the “Port Novorossiysk” location have been fixed.
- The assets on airfields in Berlin and Sicily have been visually improved.
- The models of fort buildings on Malta have been visually improved.
- New models for the bombing of bases will be used in the mission “Operation” Smolensk.
Enduring Confrontation
- The number of active airfields has been increased to 6 for each team.
- On the EC location “Afghanistan”, ground vehicles will be deployed with a detailed DM under the control of Soviet and US AI depending on the rank of the battle. For example in Rank I battles, players will need to destroy T-26 and M2 Stuart vehicles and in Rank V battles, T-54 and Patton III vehicles.
Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- The hullbreak effect has been changed for the following vehicles:
- AUBL/74
- R3 T106 FA
- Type 60 ATM
- Falcon
- Striker
- Swingfire
- Warrior
- M3 Bradley
- M50 Ontos
- M551
- BMP-1
- SU-100P
- ZSU-57-2
- Hullbreak can be caused by:
- Being hit with HE or chemical shells for calibres of 105 mm and higher;
- Being hit with kinetic (AP) rounds for calibres of 120 mm and higher.
- Hullbreak can be caused by:
- The Т-80B and Т-72A tank turrets have been made using “volumetric armour” technology.
- The armour of the Leopard 2A5 turret has been fixed. The size of the cavities for the filler, filler itself and armour plates has been made more detailed. The existing micro gaps in the turret armour have been fixed.
- The effect of smoke spraying from the exhaust has been added with the activation of ESS (Engine Smoke System).
- OTOMATIC - The type of SAPOM shell has been changed from APHE to SAP-HEI.
- Challenger Mk.3 - Type of the additional armour elements on the hull sides has been changed from dynamic protection armour to combined armour.
- AMX-10RC:
- Gun mantlet armour has been clarified. It is now more detailed in the X-Ray view.
- The mass of the vehicle has been changed from 15.5 to 16 tons. Source: Presentation de materiels de l’armee de terre
- T95E1, Leopard 2A4, Leopard 2A5, M1A1 - Control sensitivity bug and u-turn in neutral gear bug have been fixed.
- 152 mm OF-530 - The explosive mass in the shell has been changed from 6.86 kg to 5.83 kg. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 152-мм гаубицы обр. 1943 г. ТС/ГРАУ №155 // Справочник артиллерийских боеприпасов,подлежащих утилизации и уничтожению.
- 120 mm T14E3 - The initial speed of the shell has been changed from 944 to 960 m/sec with the corresponding change of armour penetration. Source: "Guns for Heavy Tanks" No.501-04-079 // Document AD0 802 080
- M1, IPM1 - The number in the first-order ammo racks has been changed from 44 to 22 shots. Source: AD-A201 907, SIMNET M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank Simulation - Software Description and Documentation, BBN Laboratories Incorporated, February 1987
- M247:
- The name of the cannons has been changed from Bofors L/70 to M266. Source: TM 43-0001-28, Army Ammunition Data Sheets, Department of The Army, April 1994
- The number of respawns in SB mode has been changed to 2.
- 152 mm APFSDS shell M-69 cannon - The mass has been changed from 11.5 to 8 kg. Source: Отечественные бронированные машины. XX век. Том 3. 1946-1965, Солянкин А.Г, Желтов И.Г., Кудряшов К.Н. // Т ехника и вооружени е // Отечественные бронированные машины 1945-1965, N°8/ 2015
- The designation for the R.35 (SA38) has been fixed. Previously the vehicle was designated as R.39.
- KV-II 754(r) - The gun mantlet thickness has been changed from 70 to 75 mm. Now it is similar to the gun mantlet thickness of the KV-2 (1940).
- M13/40 (II)/(III) - Ammunition use order has been refined.
- 8.8 cm Flak 37 Sfl. - Second rear gear has been added. Source: Sturmgeschutze. Entwicklung und Fertigung der sPak //
- The TNT multiplier has been changed from 1.7 to 1.25 for the following explosive substances: A-IX-1, A-IX-2. Source: GICHD (Feb 2017), Explosive weapon effects – final report, GICHD, Geneva //
- M47 (105/55) - A “Rangefinder” modification has been added.
- Т-60 - Fire rate of the 20 mm TNSh cannon has been changed from 800 to 750 shots per minute. Source: 20-мм танковая пушка ТНШ (ШВАК), Руководство службы
Aircraft model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- Tandem HEAT warhead for the 9М120 ”Ataka” ATGMS has been added.
- AGM 114B Hellfire — Maximum flight speed of the missiles has been clarified.
- Maximum control range for the following missiles has been fixed:
- 9M114
- 9М17M
- 9М17P
- 9М120
- TOW-2
- Type 92 and Type 89 machine guns — Ammunition designation for the IAI (Immediate-action incendiary bullet) has been fixed (source).
- НС-45 — The explosive mass for the HEFI-T (High-explosive fragmentation incendiary tracer shell) shell has been fixed (source).
- Hispano 404 — The composition of different armour-piercing belts in comparison to similar composited belts has been fixed (source).
- AP-T, HE-I rounds have been added for the Ho-103 / 104 machine guns (source).
- 200 kg №1 bomb — The mass and type of explosive substance has been fixed (source).
- 50 kg G.A. MNN bomb — Name of the bomb, mass and weight of the explosive substance has been fixed (source).
- 500 kg №2 bomb — The weight, mass and type of explosive substance has been fixed (source)
- FAB-5000 — The type of explosive substance has been fixed (source).
- 750 pound M117 bomb — The type of explosive substance has been fixed.
- AH-1F, AH-1Z — The information displayed for the “New 20 mm cannons” modification, which previously showed a negative bonus to the failure rate has been fixed (source).
- AH-1G — The ammunition for the gun pod weapon modification XM-35 has been fixed.
- AH-1F/G/Z, UH-1B/C/C XM-30 — The name of the gun pod XM-18 modification has been changed to M18A1 (source)
- UH-1C XM-30 — The following weaponry setups have been added: XM159, XM21, XM5.
- AH-1Z — The information displayed for the Sidewinders missile modification together with the Flares modification has been fixed.
- Mi-24P/V (all versions) — The possibility of using some weaponry presets together with R-60M missiles without researching and unlocking the required modifications for its usage has been fixed (source).
- Mi-35M — The IRCM modification displaying whilst it was not researched and unlocked has been fixed
- Mi-4AV — The amount of the crew members stated in the vehicle card has been fixed.
- SA.313B — The delayed start of firing for the offensive weaponry has been fixed (source).
- Mi-24V — The display of the YakB machine gun in the interface has been changed from cannon to machine gun.
- P-51H-5 NA — Information about the fuel tanks protection has been added (source)
- Be-6 — The angles of the defensive turrets have been fixed (source)
- The mass, name and modification of the suspension weaponry systems R1,R6,R4 for the Bf 109 have been fixed.
- Fw 190 A-8 — The information displayed regarding the thickness of the bulletproof glass in the cockpit has been fixed (source)
- N.C. 900 — The armour of the radiators protection has been fixed (source)
- FJ-4B (all modifications) — The round composition of the belts for the Mk 12 mod 3 canons have been fixed (source)
- AD-4 — The possibility to fly out without any suspended weaponry has been added (source)
- Ki-109 — The possibility to participate in “Assault, Air Arcade” has been added (source).
- Ki-200 — Installed cannons Type-5 have been changed to Ho-155-II (source)
- P-400 — The amount of ammunition of the wing mounted machine guns has been changed from 3,000 rounds in total to 4,000 rounds in total (source).
- UH-1D — The display of the AGM-22 missiles has been changed to SS11 missiles (source).
- Ki-49 (all versions) — The thickness displayed of the armour plate behind the 20 mm cannons (turret) has been fixed (source).
- P1Y1 — The thickness of the rear armour plate has been fixed (source).
- Potez 633 — Separate bomb dropping for the 100 and 200 kg bombs has been added (source).
- Il-28 (all modifications) — The information about the thickness of the armoured glass of the rear turret has been fixed (source).
- Potez 633 — The “Wings repair” modification has been moved to the level 3 (source).
- Sunderland (all modifications) — The guidance angles of the defensive turrets have been fixed.
- PBY-5 (all versions) — The amount of the ammunition of the turrets on the sides has been changed from 400 to 478 rounds per machine gun (source).
- PBY-5 (all versions) — The defensive weaponry type of the lower turret has been changed from 12.7 Browning to the 7.62 Browning (source).
- H8K2 / H8K3 — The guidance angles of the defensive weaponry have been fixed (source).
- SB-2 (all versions) — The amount of ammunition in the defensive nose turret has been changed from 950 to 960 rounds per machine gun (source)
- Ki-67 (all versions) — The amount of ammunition in the defensive nose turret has been changed from 500 to 550 rounds, upper gun turret from 400 to 500 rounds, rear turret from 500 to 700 rounds per cannon (source)
- PBM-3 — The guidance angles of the defensive weaponry have been fixed.
- SM.79 1942 — The research relationship and position of 12.7 calibre turret machine guns modifications has been fixed.
- Il-28 / Il-28Sh — The guidance angles of the defensive weaponry have been fixed (source).
- FJ-4B (all versions) — The colour of tracers for the offensive weaponry has been fixed (source)
- He 111 H-16 — The guidance angles of the defensive weaponry have been fixed (source)
- Pe-2 83 — The guidance angles and sectors of the defensive weaponry and upper turret have been fixed (source)
- F-100D — The negative indicators of information for the offensive weaponry modifications have been fixed (source).
- TBF-1c — The thickness and type of the armour element of the lower turret have been fixed (source).
- Sea Hawk (all modifications) — Presets with 30 25 lb AP MkII rockets have been added.
- F6F-5N — Radar system has been added.
Flight Model changes
- The influence of offensive and defensive weaponry of calibres 7.62 - 20mm for Soviet and British aircraft on the behavior of the aircraft when firing has been fixed (reduced).
- The influence of the helicopters rotation on the tail rotor thrust has been clarified. The natural damping of single-rotor helicopters along the course of rotation has been improved.
- The effect of engine load on the specified angular velocities for the helicopter autopilot when using mouse aim has been added. Autopilot now takes into account how loaded the engine and the propeller group is and controls the helicopter more precisely by yawing at high overall propeller pitch.
- Potez 630 — The operation of the propeller group and powerplant has been changed. Fixed pitch propellers have been replaced by hydraulically adjustable propellers. WEP mode has been added for the engines. “Engine injection” modification has been added.
- Potez 631 — A bug which caused the engine to be underpowered in wartime emergency power mode (WEP) has been fixed.
- Ki-21 (all modifications) — Flight model has been updated. Propeller performance updated. Fins and wings polars have been recalculated and updated. Centre of gravity has been recalculated depending on load and amount of remaining fuel. A bug which caused inaccurate aileron operations has been fixed.
- Il-2-M Type 3 / Avenger / Ns-37 — Flight model has been updated. Propeller performance updated. Fins and wings polars have been recalculated and updated. Centre of gravity has been recalculated depending on load and amount of remaining fuel.
- D3A1 — Flight model has been updated. Propeller performance updated. Fins and wings polars have been recalculated and updated. Centre of gravity has been recalculated depending on load and amount of remaining fuel. Balancing and controllability when deploying the air brake has been fixed. The operation of the automatic cooling system has been corrected.
- M.B.175T — Air brake has been added. Balancing when deploying the air brake has been fixed.
- P-51H-5NA — Compressor stage adjustments have been changed to a fully automatic system according to the technical description of the aircraft.
- Ki-27 — Fuel weight has been reduced due to removal of suspended fuel tanks.
- Il-4, DB-3 — Flight model has been updated. Propeller performance updated. Fins and wings polars have been recalculated and updated. Centre of gravity has been recalculated depending on load and amount of remaining fuel. Balancing and controllability have been improved (on all types of control).
- Mi-4 — The direction of the main rotors rotation has been fixed.
Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- First-order ammo racks with around 10-20 shots per cannon have been added for large caliber artillery ships. Rate of fire when using first-order ammo racks have been set to the maximum theoretically possible. The rate of fire when using shells from the ammunition stores has remained the same. So vessels which can use first-order ammo racks can shoot several times (7-10%) faster than its standard fire rate. Fires and detonations of the first-order ammo rack will not be fatal for the ship and can cause damage only on the surrounding modules and cause damage to the crew placed within them.
- For ships with separated ammunition stores, they have been divided into stores for shells and stores for loading. Fires within the loading stores is not fatal for the ship and can lead to the loss of some or all ammunition in the store and also to damages of the surrounding modules.
- The mechanics of ammunition supply elevators have been added. A damaged elevator can lead to a reduction of the reload speed to the connected cannon battery of between 8-10%. A destroyed elevator can lead a reduction of the reload speed to the connected cannon battery of 20%. One cannon or turret can be operated by several elevators - in the event of maximum damage or destruction for all elevators of this cannon, the reduction will not exceed 10% and 20% respectively.
- The effect of smoke funnel damage on the ship's speed loss has been halved.
- Repair speed of torpedoes placed in torpedo tubes has been increased.
Tactical technical characteristics, physics and damage model
- All ships — The firing range of AI has been corrected. The information about the arming range and launch radius has been added to the stat card for shells with radio fuse.
- All torpedoes have now own damage model. You can now destroy the incoming torpedo by the direct shot from the shell or by the closed explosion for example from the depth bomb.
- Battle (D14), Vosper 2nd series, Haida (G63) — Armour protection of the on-board installations has been fixed.
- Pr.159 — Magazines, bridges and radio rooms have been changed.
- Pr.1124 (1945), MBK-161 (1944), Pr. 1204 Late — Armour protection of the main calibre turrets has been changed.
- MBK pr. 186 — Armour of the cannon mantlets has been fixed. Armour of the T-34 tank turrets has been fixed.
- Higgins 78 ft PT-200 — “Anti-Air Armament Targeting” modification has been added.
- Pr.191, Pr.191М — Armour of the main calibre cannon mantlet has been fixed.
- Battle (D14) — The torpedo sight on the aft torpedo launcher has been fixed.
- HMNZS Leander — Shell dispersion of the main calibre cannons has been fixed.
- Class Isles (T-285) — The class of the ship has been changed to “Minelayer”
- Type М 1943 — The class of the ship has been changed to “Gunboat”.
- SGB (S304) — The onboard crew has been changed from 16 to 34. Description of the machine guns has been fixed.
- Pr. 206М — Tactical technical characteristics of the torpedo have been fixed.
- Vosper 1st series / Vosper 2nd series — Ammunition load has been made divided into the amount of the magazines.
- Fairmile D (617) — Ships armour has been changed.
- Elco 80 ft PT-565 — The active guidance area for the rear cannon has been increased.
- Pr.1124 (all modifications) — Armour protection of the main calibre turrets and conning room has been fixed.
- MBK-161 (all modifications) — Armour protection of the main calibre turrets has been fixed.
- Koln - The long fuel tanks placed along each side have divided into shorter ones.
- Type 1939 (T22) — Minimum allowed vertical guidance angle(elevation) for 20 mm automatic cannons on the upper tier of the bow hull has been increased.
Visual changes and ship models
- Haida (G63) — Differences in the X-Ray view and visual model of the 20 mm cannons has been fixed.
- Nurnberg — Correct rendering of the ship over large distances has been fixed.
- Class N (G25) — Displayed X-Ray view has been fixed.
- MBK pr. 186 (MK 85) — A bug with lack of the main calibre turret in X-Ray view has been fixed.
- Nurnberg — The blackout behind the glass window has been added.
- PGH-2 — Machine guns setup has been added.
- Fairmile D (617) — The display of depth charges in X-Ray view has been fixed.
- Type 1924 Jaguar — The visual bugs in the main calibre turrets have been fixed.
- Type 1939 (T22) — The guidance angles of the cannons have been fixed.
Economy and research
- M60A1 Ariete - Stabilizator has been removed. BR for all game modes has been changed from 8.3 to 7.7.
- Costs for shells with a calibre of 57 mm or higher have been changed (mostly reduced). For cruiser calibres, ammunition costs have been reduced. For example the armour-piercing shell of the Kirov now costs 10 SL instead of 70 SL earlier. Semi-armour-piercing shell of the Leader now costs 9 SL instead of 50 SL earlier. Armour-piercing shell of the Brooklyn now costs 10 SL instead of 20 SL earlier.
- BR of the following destroyers has been changed:
- Sumner (DD-692) from 4.3 to 4.7.
- Somers (DD-381) from 4.3 to 4.7.
- Tashkent (leader) from 4.3 to 4.7.
- Possibility to create custom user camouflage for ships has been added.
- The visibility in the research tree of event vehicles which are available for purchase on the market has been added on the PC version of the game (not available for the consoles).
- The displayed warning regarding the impossibility of retracting landing gear when using suspended boosters has been fixed.
Game mechanics
- New game mode “World War” has been launched as OBT. In this game mode players can participate in the reconstruction of famous historical battles. In the first season “Recon under Fire” which will last until the 10th of June you will be able to participate in the “Battle of Vitebsk”, Operation “Nordwind”, “Battle for Caen” and “Second Battle of El Alamein”.
- The ability to hit ATGMs whilst in flight as well as moving torpedoes, bombs and un-guided aircraft missiles with a direct hit from weaponry, shells as well as with the effects of explosions (shockwave and fragments in the air and water) has been added. Bombs with delayed fuse mode enabled already dropped of surfaces (ground) are also subject to all these factors.
- The algorithm for anti-aircraft missile guidance has been reworked. Now, when the missile is aimed at a target, the control system will keep the missile on the line of sight itself. The target locking accuracy depends on the angular velocity of the target, the distance to it (course parameter) and the maneuverability of the missile. There is no need to manually pre-aim by moving the line of sight in front of targets that have a low angular velocity.
- New types of sensors - passive optical systems, have been added. Such types of sensors will not be detected by radar warning system indications and can detect and track targets covertly. These systems have been implemented on the Stormer HVM - ADAD (Air Defence Alerting Devices) and Bradley ADATS (Air Defense Anti-Tank System). Passive detecting systems can only provide direction for the detected target. The measured range to the target it must be taken into account.
- Possibility of launching the AGM-114B missile in LOAL (Lock-on After Launch) mode has been added. To operate in this mode the player needs to turn on the target pointer and point it towards the target and launch the missile. The initial point on the surface of where the sights are aimed at will be selected as the coordinates for the inertial guidance system of the missile. After the launch, the target designation can be switched off for the duration of the missile's flight and on just before it hits the target.
- The mechanics of air and ground-based radars have been reworked. The following features have been added:
- Target tracking errors have been added. For example: surface-to-air missiles of Tunguska have a maximum range of 8 km. In real life at this distance its tracking radar has a tracking error over two times greater than the radius of the missile proximity fuse and kill radius as well. The only way to increase hit probability is to use the optical sight.
- “Multipath” effect has been added. Radar signal that is reflected from the target and re-reflected from the surface and appears to come from underground is indistinguishable from the signal of the target. The effect occurs when a target flies at altitudes less than 100 m (and will increase as flight altitudes decrease) which will lead to errors when measuring elevation angles - the tracking radar is looking below the target. In this case it is also recommended to switch to optical sight tracking.
- Ground clutter has been added. Early fighter radar stations were not able to detect targets because of strong ground reflections. This effect depends heavily on the altitude of the fighter aircraft and the elevation of the radar beam. At low altitudes, the radar stations were blind. The targets under the fighter were poorly detected, or not detected at all.
- Respawn costs (Spawn points) for ground vehicles of BR 8.0 and higher have been changed:
- Helicopters without ATGMs have been reduced by 15-20%.
- Helicopters with ATGMs have been reduced by 15-20%
- For aircraft above BR 8.0, spawn costs have been reduced to the same values as aircraft of BRs lower than 8.0.
- For all aircraft and helicopters, the costs of spawning is now linked to the BR of the vehicle (same as onBRs lower than 8.0).
- Respawn costs in ground battles RB for the following vehicles have been changed:
- Flakpanzer I: reduced by 2 times.
- OTOMATIC: increased by 2 times.
- M3 Bradley: reduced by 25%.
- The possibility to choose air respawn point for helicopters has been switched off in ground RB.
- A vessel’s ability to escape from a shoal in naval battles has been improved.
- The appearance of clouds for the graphic settings “max” and “movie” has been improved.
- Preparation works for the transition to the new sound engine (project which already has sound events that have been made and prepared; sound databases which contains sound resources for the game has been created; support of new api for the new sound engine has been added; resources for all vehicles and weapons have been reworked for the support of the new sound engine).
- Mechanics of simultaneous support of the old and new sound engines has been created. New sound engine will be switched on shortly after the release of update 1.89 and at different times for different platforms.
- Gamepad vibration has been improved (for PC and for consoles). Now vibration works on all vehicle control types (was previously only on aircraft) and there are additional vibration settings in the gamepad tab in the game settings (Options → Main parameters → Gamepad settings).
- Romanian language has been added.
The War Thunder Team