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Introducing War Thunder Wiki 3.0!
The War Thunder Wiki is a fantastic place to learn all the details about vehicles and game mechanics, enhancing your knowledge of War Thunder and military vehicles in general. Today, we’re proud to release Wiki 3.0, coming in with brand-new features and layout that provide a better experience for everyone.
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  • 26 November 2024
Vehicle Review: T14 and its Decal!
As the smoke from the air battles over the very existence of Great Britain cleared, the British were already planning a counterattack, but quickly found out that they lacked robust ground vehicles.
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  • 15 April 2024
Vehicle Review: Su-25K and its Decal!
One of the more famous Soviet assault aircraft boasts incredible survivability and a wide selection of weaponry. This “front line worker” deserves your respect and our “Wiki approved: Su-25K” decal. Today we’re flying the Su-25K “Grach”.
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  • 28 November 2023
Has decal
Wiki Review: CV 90105 XC-8 and its decal
The CV90105 XC-8 is living proof that even a good modern vehicle might be better! Learn more about this amazing vehicle from our Wiki review!
Has decal
Back on sale: Mi-24D!
This is the “Crocodile” you all imagine it to be when you hear the name “Mi-24”. A development of the Mi-24A modification with glazed cockpit and the noticeably more powerful cannon armament in the nose turret.
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  • 9 December 2022
Has decal
Vehicle Review: M-51 (W) - and its decal
Call it simply “Super Sherman”! Israel’s design prowess also affected the legendary American M4 Sherman by turning the compact medium tank into a platform for the monster 105mm cannon from the French AMX-30.
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  • 3 November 2022
Has decal
Type 74 (G)
The Type 74 was only the second tank created in post-war Japan. But it was made well: the first model was produced in 1975, but thanks to new modifications, it remained in use for many years. G is the ultimate modification of Type 74, and also the final.
  • 4 August 2022
Has decal
Wiki Review: Merkava Mk.2D
“Wind of Change” brought Israeli vehicles to War Thunder and we took a closer look at the premium vehicle with which you can start getting to know the recent nation’s new ground vehicles and research them noticeably faster.
  • 31 March 2022
Wiki Review: Т-72AV (TURMS-T)
Here you can get access to one of the most advanced modifications of this vehicle, equipped with a fire control system created in Italy - TURMS-T. Turn on the high quality thermal imager and fire, relying on dynamic protection, combined armour, laser rangefinder, automatic loader and even self entrenching devices. 
  • 22 January 2022
Wiki Review: Strv 103-0 Now for Golden Eagles!
One of the most unusual main battle tanks of the Swedish research tree is back on sale, in game right now for Golden Eagles!
  • 9 September 2021
Wiki Review: Somua SM
Until 20:00 GMT on the 29th of August, by purchasing the pack with premium Somua SM you will get a special ”Approved by WT Wiki” decal.
Wiki Review: VL Pyörremyrsky
Pyörremyrsky is a Finnish fighter, inspired by the famous Messerschmitts G series.
  • 16 December 2020
Vehicle review: CV 90105
The Swedish CV 90105 is a familiar sight to many armoured commanders on the battlefield and has become infamous for its versatility and flexibility.  Fans of Nordic armour will be well acquainted with this fast moving family of vehicles and the CV 905105 epitomizes this with a effective 105mm cannon, thermal imaging and a stabilized gun.
Vehicle review: ROOIKAT 105
Today we will throw some light on the ROOIKAT 105 - one of the fastest wheeled vehicles in War Thunder!
Vehicle review: Saab J29D
Today, we will discuss, some may say, the Swedish barrel with wings known as the Saab J29D and we are now happy to say that this surely is one of the more interesting and capable fighters at rank V.
Vehicles review - PG 02
This is one naval vessel that deserves to be legendary in the naval battles of War Thunder. For some - hated opponent and for others a boat that has given many hours of fun with playing it. The Wiki team tested this boat in battles and has shared their impressions with you!
War Thunder: Wiki Share Program
The War Thunder wiki is officially launching to the public!
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  • 17 October 2019
The results of the short guides competition
Awesome! You’ve proven you can handle it, and now everyone you've taught the wisdom of War Thunder to can handle it as well. We are now pleased to announce the winners of the competition!