War Thunder background
War Thunder Sound Recordings, Part 1: The Lancaster

Today we begin a series of explorations into the diaries of Max Lachmann, an experienced sound recordist, on his mission to record sound effects for War Thunder!

  • 17 August 2015
Additional Golden Wagers

Today we will be introducing new Golden Wagers as rewards for progressively logging into War Thunder daily. Find out more about the changes here.

  • 13 August 2015
Destructible environment

Destructible environments in War Thunder is moving to a new level!

  • 7 August 2015
Physically based rendering – Dagor Engine 4.0 in War Thunder

Very soon, we will introduce a new graphical technology to the game. This technology will make the graphics in War Thunder even more realistic and beautiful. Meet Physically Based Rendering – physically correct image rendering.

  • 6 August 2015
Advance to the Rhine

In the previous update, we rolled out the first fully urban tank map. Continuing the theme of highly complex tank battles in urban conditions, a next update will include a new map: The Crossing of the Rhine.

  • 5 August 2015
Dev Q&A compilation

Regularly, some of our development team interact with our community on the Official Forums. The players are invited to ask the team questions in regard to future development.

  • 4 August 2015
Stow the boiling vessel - Target front!

We would like to proudly present to you a project that the development team has been working on diligently for a long time - British ground vehicles!

  • 28 July 2015
Stow the boiling vessel - Target front!

We would like to proudly present to you a project that the development team has been working on diligently for a long time - British ground vehicles!

  • 28 July 2015
New Squadron Format

With one of the upcoming updates we will be introducing a new type of Squadron in to War Thunder: “Drill Squadrons”.

  • 15 July 2015
Heavy Tank T-10M

In today's Devblog we would like to familiarize you with brand new, top rank heavy vehicle from the Soviet tech tree: Heavy Tank T-10M

  • 29 June 2015
Ki-44-1 and SU-100Y

In this Devblog we will present to you an agile Japanese fighter aircraft - Ki-44-1 and slow but powerful Soviet tank destroyer SU-100Y

  • 29 June 2015
New decals in 1.51

With Update 1.51 we will introduce a great variety of new historical decals to War Thunder, which will allow you to decorate your vehicles with a piece of World War II or Korean War history. Good luck on the battlefield!

  • 27 June 2015
Hurricane Mk. IV and Mk. IIB

In this Devblog, we'll present to you two new models of the famous Hawker Hurricane, the British Hurricane Mk. IV with 40 mm Vickers cannons and the Soviet-modified Hurricane Mk.IIB!

  • 26 June 2015
Pz-35t & T-26-4

In this devblog post, we would like to show you two new vehicles from Rank I : Soviet T-26-4 and German Pz-35t.

  • 26 June 2015

The American M60 main battle tank will be a new addition to the American armour tree at rank 5. It has a relatively powerful weapon – a 105 mm rifled cannon with a capacity of 57 shots.

  • 25 June 2015
SB2C-1c Helldiver and J2M5

In this devblog post, we would like to show you two new aircraft - American SB2C-1c and Japanese J2M5.

  • 25 June 2015
Leopard 1

In this devblog post, we would like to show you two a new vehicle on Rank V: the German Leopard 1.

  • 25 June 2015
T-34-100 and SuperHellcat

In this devblog post, we would like to show you two new vehicles from Rank IV : Soviet T-34-100 and American SuperHellcat.

  • 24 June 2015