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War Thunder: The Beast Inside You!
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Pilots and Tankers!

Show off your creativity with War Thunder and win a HOTAS WARTHOG™ joystick from Thrustmaster - an exact replica of the joystick and throttles of the U.S. Air Force A-10C attack aircraft. With it, you’ll be able to unleash the beast deep inside you - and dominate the battlefields of War Thunder in your favor!

To participate in the competition, create a poster advertising War Thunder, for example in the style of a vintage World War II propaganda poster, upload it to War Thunder Live with the hashtag #Thrustmaster and share it with us on our forums until 30th of September. Your artwork should be unique and must be clearly connected to the game, e.g. by incorporating the War Thunder logo. To get an idea, see some of the amazing results a similar competition in the Russian community has produced:


I. Prize:     Thrustmaster HOTAS WARTHOG™
II. Prize:    5.000 Golden Eagles
III. Prize:   2.500 Golden Eagles


- You should upload your artwork to War Thunder Live with the hashtag #Thrustmaster and share it with us on our forums
- The artwork must be your own work and uniquely created for this competition
- Any text must be in English - but if applicable, feel free to add a localized version in your language!
- By entering the contest, you agree that Gaijin Entertainment may re-use the created artwork for War Thunder related purposes
- You are invited to use ingame material of War Thunder and stylize and enhance it through editing programs
- Please refrain from using material and themes that might be considered offensive
- Do not use copyright protected material for your work

Your entries will be accepted until 30th of September, 2014! Good Luck!

The War Thunder Team

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