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Тu-14T: The Fastest Torpedo Bomber
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The Tu-14T (T for “torpedonosyets”, EN: torpedo carrier) is a Soviet jet-powered torpedo bomber. The story of this vehicle’s creation is complex. It was a direct competitor to the famous IL-28 and will also be the first jet-powered torpedo bomber in our game. It will soon join the ranks of War Thunder’s naval aircraft.​

The story of the aircraft’s creation is rather long, and it’s all because its competitors, the Tu-14 and the IL-28 became the first series-produced Soviet jet-powered bombers practically at the same time. Work on project 73 (later known as the Tu-14) at OKB Tupolev began in 1947. For its powerplant, the aircraft used three British turbojet Rolls-Royce engines, as using only two turbojet engines wouldn’t have provided the necessary flight characteristics desired. A little later, OKB Klimov developed the more powerful BK-1 engines on the basis of the British Rolls-Royce Nene and the Tu-14 no longer needed its third engine. The extra free space in the aircraft’s tail was taken up by a defensive turret. In 1951, the jet powered Tu-14 bomber with its new BK-1 engines successfully passed state tests and was accepted into service.

Nonetheless, the army preferred the Ilyushin IL-28 and accepted into service at roughly the same time. This meant that the administration of ground troops at the time, gave it preference over the Tupolev vehicle. Subsequent to this, in 1952 all Tu-14s, including those already produced, received the index T (“torpedonosyets”, EN: torpedo carrier) and continued their service, but this time exclusively as naval aircraft. Series production of the Tu-14T continued until February 1953. In total, around 147 vehicles were built.

In our game, the Tu-14T is sure to be an in-demand vehicle. After all, it will be the first jet-powered torpedo carrier in War Thunder! Many players are already famillar with the excellent IL-28 Soviet jet-powered bomber, but now it has a worthy competitor as the Tu-14T is similar to it in many respects. It has the same 23mm frontal cannons, the same tail turret and even the same jet-powerplants in the form of the BK-1. However, the Tu-14T has one thing that makes it stand out indefinitely from its counterpart. Instead of ordinary high-explosive aircraft bombs, it can carry one 950 kg torpedo in its bomb compartment, which is sure to delight all fans of naval aircraft. Naturally, successfully launching a low-altitude gas-vapour torpedo from a fast jet-powered aircraft requires a certain amount of effort, but the end result in the form of a ship quickly sinking to the bottom more than makes up for the trouble. Those looking for easy prey will quickly be frightened off by the twin 23mm cannon in the tail and the Tu-14T is equipped with two frontal NR-23 cannons to suppress anti-air fire from the ground or sea. Initially, the Tu-14T was designed as a jet-powered bomber and that means that if there are no targets for torpedoes in the battle, the bomb compartment can be filled with 3,000 kg of standard high-explosive bombs instead. The Tu-14T’s respectable speed allows it to make lightning-fast torpedo attacks on groups of enemy naval vessels and also escape attacks from any fighters that brave the rear twinned turret.

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The Tu-14T will take its place at rank 5 among the other jet-powered aircraft in the Soviet aircraft tech tree. Hurry to adjust your torpedo sights and strap in, the first jet-powered torpedo bomber will be a great gift for anyone preparing for the naval release in our game.

War Thunder Team!

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