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Italian Fleet: Early Access Packs
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We present two premium packs for early access to the closed beta-test of the Italian navy! Meet a cannon-welding hydrofoil patrol boat, the P 420 Sparviero, and the destroyer Geniere (1942), early Soldati class.

Pre-order - Geniere Pack
Pre-order - Geniere Pack
The Kit Includes:
  • Geniere (Rank 3 Italy) - available after the major update release
  • Premium account for 15 days;
  • 2000 Golden Eagles;
  • Pre-order bonus: profile icon "Destroyer commander" - available after the major update release
  • Pre-order bonus: unique "Sapper" title.
  • Italian Naval CBT Access - available after upcoming major update


Pre-order - P 420 Sparviero Pack
Pre-order - P 420 Sparviero Pack
The Kit Includes:
  • P 420 Sparviero (Rank 2 Italy) - available after the major update release
  • Premium account for 7 days
  • 1,000 Golden Eagles;
  • Pre-order bonus: unique "Sparrowhawk" decal;
  • Pre-order bonus: unique "Sea Hawk" title.
  • Italian Naval CBT Access - available after upcoming major update


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P 420 Sparviero, motor gun boat, Italy, premium, rank II.


  • Excellent mobility
  • Fast-firing 76mm cannon


  • No armour protection
  • Small crew complement

During the 1960’s, the Alinavi consortium developed a hydrofoil attack craft on the basis of the PGH-2 Tucumcari design, previously built by Boeing. In the early 1970’s, a prototype was ordered for construction, receiving the name ‘Sparviero’. The Sparvieros served faithfully with the Italian Navy until early in 2000 before being finally decommissioned. 

In War Thunder, the P 420 Sparviero will be a rank II premium vessel of the upcoming Italian naval tree. Among its many qualities, the Sparviero distinguishes itself with superb mobility and deadly firepower - a particularly lethal combination in the low ranked naval battles. In addition, the Sparviero not only offers its aspiring commanders premium bonuses, but also full access to the upcoming Italian naval tree for the duration of its closed beta testing!

The P 420 Sparviero’s primary and indeed only armament in the game will be the OTO Melara 76mm autocannon. A more than familiar weapon to both captains and tankers alike for its excellent ballistic properties and high rate of fire 

However, the advantage of its humble displacement in combination with a powerful turbine engine, allows the P 420 Sparviero to reach a top speed of 50 knots (92.6 km/h). Furthermore, thanks to its hydrofoil design, the Sparviero features excellent agility, being able to perform sharp maneuvers at a moment’s notice, thus allowing it to effectively dodge enemy fire - a quality which somewhat compensates for the P 420’s complete absence of armour protection.


Geniere (1942), destroyer, Italy, premium, rank III.


  • Increased firepower
  • Excellent mobility
  • Decent AA armament


  • Relatively small crew




Geniere was laid down as part of the first series of Soldati-class destroyers for the Regia Marina. Unlike its more or less familiar counterpart awaiting captains in the regular tree, Geniere offers its aspiring commanders improved primary firepower, a larger crew complement as well as the usual bonus rewards for each action performed in combat thanks to its premium status. Furthemore, obtaining Geniere also gives eager captains early access to the fully Italian naval tree for the duration of its closed beta testing.

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Geniere comes to War Thunder naval forces in one of its later war modifications, specifically in the 1942 fit. The ship features five 120mm cannons split into three turrets. Geniere offers better AA option, than a regular tree destroyer, having 6 twin-barrelled 20mm Breda autocannons, rationally positioned over her deck. It’s also worth mentioning that Geniere comes with two triple torpedo launchers, which make her combat application more versatile.

As all Soldati destroyers, Geniere boasts an excellent top speed going up to 35 knots (65 km/h), as well as great maneuverability. As a result, captains can utilize the ship’s fantastic dynamics for both offensive and defensive maneuvers, being able to both outflank their opponents in a daring attack or quickly duck behind solid cover in case the battle conditions are less than favorable.

Those who have purchased relevant early access packs will have instant access to the Italian Naval Tech Tree CBT in the upcoming major update.

The War Thunder Team

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