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Summer Landing
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Get ready for the landing! A task worthy of the most elite warriors in War Thunder! Follow your orders from command and be rewarded with unique prizes like event and premium vehicles as well as troop emblems, decorations for ground forces and the naval fleet. 

 We wish you best luck in the Summer Landing!

From 11:00 GMT on the 6th of August, 2021 until 11:00 GMT on the 30th of August, 2021

Earn ⭐ stars by completing the tasks in the event. The more stars - the more prizes: premium and event vehicles, special decals of the “Landing forces” series and “Paratrooper’s Supplies”!

VL Myrsky II
Rank II, Sweden, Premium

More about vehicle

Rank I, Japan, Premium

More about vehicle

RN Aviere
Rank III, Italy, Premium

More about vehicle

Buccaneer S.1
Rank VI, Britain, Event

More about vehicle

Rank VI, USSR, Event

More about vehicle

Rank V, Germany, Event

More about vehicle

“Landing forces” decals

“Paratrooper’s Supplies” decorations for ground forces
“Paratrooper’s Supplies” decorations for the naval fleet

Special camouflages for "Summer Landing" vehicles


Event vehicles of ranks V-VI and decals will be issued in the form of coupons and premium vehicles of ranks I-III, decorations and camouflages will be immediately activated on the account.

You will receive an award by collecting the specified number of stars ⭐ in the appropriate vehicle type.

For stars, you can get 7 coupons for “Landing forces” decals and the 8th coupon “Emblem of 323rd Parachute Ranger Squadron” is waiting for you on our social media!

Complete the collection!

  • Players who activated the key from our Facebook group before August the 5th 20:59 GMT will receive a special “Emblem of 323rd Parachute Ranger Squadron (Sweden)” decal immediately after completing any task for receiving one star.
  • Activate all 8 decal coupons on your account to receive a unique “Emblem of XVIII Airborne Corps (USA)” decal.

More about collections on the WT wiki!

323rd Parachute Ranger Squadron decal
"323rd Parachute Ranger Squadron" decal
“Emblem of XVIII Airborne Corps” decal
“Emblem of XVIII Airborne Corps”


To get one Star ⭐ you need to perform any 3 tasks from 5 in random battles (in vehicles of rank III or higher or rank II or higher for fleet). The tasks will not change and will be reset every 2 days at 11:00 GMT.

Pilot Star

whilst controlling aircraft (rank III or higher)

  • Destroy 40 enemies in AB (20 in RB or 14 in SB).
  • Win 9 battles (with an activity of 70% or higher).
  • Drop 13 tons of Bomb TNT on enemy bases in total.
  • Destroy 12 enemies in one battle (4 in RB or 3 in SB).
  • Help allies 13 times to destroy enemy vehicles.

Tanker Star

whilst controlling ground vehicles (rank III or higher)

  • Destroy 50 enemies.
  • Win 11 battles (with an activity of 70% or higher).
  • Destroy 10 enemies while on an allied point.
  • Destroy 12 enemies in one battle (6 in RB or SB).
  • Help allies 25 times to destroy enemy vehicles.

Sailor Star

whilst controlling naval vessels (rank II or higher)

  • Cause 30,000 damage whilst controlling a naval vessel.
  • Win 8 battles (with an activity of 70% or higher).
  • Destroy 5 enemies while on an allied point.
  • Destroy 8 enemies with torpedoes whilst controlling a vessel or aircraft.
  • Win the battle in first place in naval battles.

You can purchase Stars ⭐ with Golden Eagles without even completing a task until September the 2nd, 2021 in the menu: Nickname → Achievements → Summer landing → Tasks for tankers/pilots/sailors

Detailed terms

  • To receive a Star ⭐ you need to complete any 3 tasks from 5 for the respective type of vehicles.
  • You can complete the tasks in random battles (excluding “Enduring Confrontation” and “Assault”) in vehicles of rank III or higher (rank II or higher in naval). The exact terms of the achievement can be found in the game client by clicking on your nickname → Achievements → Summer landing
  • You can follow your progress and see the detailed tasks description by clicking on your nickname → Achievements → Summer landing
  • A Star ⭐ will be counted as received if the achievements ★ are coloured gold ⭐.
  • Performing tasks must be completed with the destruction, and assistance in the destruction of player controlled vehicles, NOT AI controlled vehicles.
  • By completing the task “Win 11 times” in combined ground battles, the task will be counted as completed with the type of vehicle in which you finished the battle (ground vehicle or aircraft of the specified rank). By completing the same task in naval battles, the task will always be counted for naval vessels.
  • Missed Stars ⭐ can be purchased in the Achievement window until the 2nd of September, 2021. Don't make a mistake in choosing between the group of achievements - pilots, tankers and sailors.
  • Prizes received in the form of coupons will be available for trading on the market from 3rd of September, 2021. The time from which the coupon can be traded can be viewed in the game in the coupon description. The option of trading each coupon separately depends on the time of its receipt and doesn’t depend on the vehicle coupon. 
  • PlayStation and Xbox players are able to exchange decal coupons for similar ones. The exchange is available in the “Workshop” - Exchange items “Summer landing”.

Show your valour in the battles of War Thunder!

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