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Wargame “Strategist”
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The paper battlefield has been rolled out and the rules are in front of you! Prepare the figures and get exclusive vehicles from the enemy: the Merkava Mk.3D main battle tank, a BI fighter interceptor, the Lübeck frigate and the Sd.Kfz.251/10 armoured vehicle.

From 11:00 GMT on the 24th of September until 12:00 GMT on the 5th of October

Get components from battles, assemble plastic models and capture classified documents with them that can be exchanged for prizes!


Merkava Mk.3D (USA) — event vehicle, coupon, rank VII

Merkava Mk.3D (USA) — event vehicle, coupon, rank VII

Exchangeable for 3  classified documents

The Israeli “Merkava” with a new smoothbore 120mm cannon and enhanced turret protection.

More details in DevBlog

BI (USSR) — event vehicle, coupon, rank V

BI (USSR) — event vehicle, coupon, rank V

Exchangeable for a Merkava Mk.3D coupon

An experimental Soviet interceptor and the first “rocket engine” aircraft in the soviet research tree in War Thunder!

More details in DevBlog

Lübeck F224 (Germany) — premium, coupon, rank II

Lübeck F224 (Germany) — premium, coupon, rank II

Exchangeable for 2 classified documents

An excellent frigate of the Köln class  -  A premium version with additional torpedo launchers.

More details in DevBlog

Sd.Kfz.251/10 (Germany) — premium, coupon, rank I

Sd.Kfz.251/10 (Germany) — premium, coupon, rank I

Exchangeable for 1 classified document

A semi-tracked vehicle with a 37mm cannon. A perfect vehicle for early battles in War Thunder.

More details in DevBlog

How to participate

Fight in Arcade, Realistic or Simulator battles! After each battle, the necessary components for assembling the models can be found in “Workshop → Strategist”.

In the “Strategist” event you need to collect figures from components that you have obtained in battles and then use them in the offensive on the playing battlefield. Each completed offensive brings you classified documents which can be exchanged for exclusive versions of the game vehicles.


Key items

Modeling materials
Modeling materials

This box contains components for assembling the figures. Open it after a battle.


This data is necessary to start an assault on the main defence lane. Will be gathered in an offensive plan.

Assault group
Assault group

Soldiers capable of accelerating an assault on the main defence lane several times. Will be assembled in a company, battalion or regiment.

  • For every 10 minutes spent in battle (in a vehicle of rank II or above and with an in-game activity of 50% or higher).
  • Contains 8 to 10 units of the components.
  • Sometimes contains 1 ready-made figure.
  • No more than 40 boxes per day.
  • For every 10 minutes spent in battle (in a vehicle of rank II or above and with an in-game activity of 50% or higher).
  • No more than 40 units per day.
  • For first place at the end of a battle.

The modeling container and Intelligence can be obtained several times in one battle and the remaining accumulated time will be saved and transferred to the next battle.


Click “To the map” in the “Workshop → Strategist” window to get to the playing field. The offensive travels in 5 columns: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo. You need to complete them all.

Each type of enemy army will require a specific number of your forces and the time to complete an attack which can be done during the next game battle.

Your forces

Will be assembled from components. Press "Recipe" under the desired figure.

  • Can be assembled from components or created from reinforcements purchased on the market. 
  • Deployed reinforcements can no longer be traded on the market.
Enemy forces

Enemy companies, fortifications, armoured vehicles and buildings. An attack on each of them reduces the number of your figures indicated in the description.

  • You can sabotage enemy structures and gain a useful bonus or advantage on the map.
Диверсионная группа
Sabotage group

Unique forces that can not be assembled but can be rescued on the board every time you attack. Only they can sabotage buildings.

  • There will be three such groups on the map in each offensive.

Reinforcements require double the assembly material as ordinary figures, but they can be traded on the market.


An assault on the main defence line is available after the destruction of all enemies on five offensive columns, sabotage of three buildings and preparation of an offensive plan from separate intelligence.

If all conditions are met, all that remains is to wait and pick up the classified documents. They can be exchanged in the same card window for prize vehicles.

An assault can be significantly accelerated by using an assault company, battalion or regiment assembled from assault groups or purchased on the market.

To receive more valuable prizes it is necessary to complete the offensive and assault several times. Every subsequent offensive and assault will be held on the already explored map and will bring new classified documents. Have fun!

How to receive awards

You can exchange classified documents for vehicles in the “Workshop → Strategist” window at the specified time.

The Merkava Mk.3D and the BI can be obtained from the event start and until 12:00 GMT on the 19th of October.

The Sd.Kfz.251/10 and Lübeck F224 can be obtained from 12:00 GMT on the 12th of October till 12:00 GMT on the 19th of October.


For PlayStation® 4 and Xbox One

A lack of Marketplace won’t slow your progress. Obtain special items for Golden Eagles right in “Workshop → “Strategist”:

Разведывательная группа
“Reconnaissance group”

Allows you to receive additional intelligence in battles, 4 units for every 10 minutes spent in battle without any limitations.

Набор подразделений
“Set of divisions”

37 unit figures ready for your instructions.


  • All event items can be obtained in the following game modes:
    • Ground arcade, realistic and simulator battles.
    • Aircraft arcade and realistic battles.
    • Naval arcade and realistic battles.
  • The number of items received in battles is limited.
    • “Modeling materials” container — up to 40 per day and up to 400 for the whole event (until 12:00 GMT on the 5th of October).
    • Intelligence — up to 40 per day and up to 320 for the whole event (until 12:00 GMT on the 5th of October). 
    • Assault group — up to 200 for the whole event (until 12:00 GMT on the 5th of October).
    • “Offensive plan” item - apart from assembly, it is rarely possible to get it in random battles.
  • The possibility of trading items on the market is indicated in their description.
  • Assaulting the main defence lane takes time. It can be shortened by gathering assault teams into larger units and using them to assault.
  • Event times:
    • Containers, intelligence and assault groups will be given from 11:00 GMT on the 24th of September till 12:00 GMT on the 5th of October.
    • You can assemble units from components and use them to attack the enemy as well as collect reinforcements and trade them on the market until 12:00 GMT on the 12th of October inclusive.
    • At 12:00 GMT on the 12th of October all event items, except classified documents and vehicle coupons will be removed from inventory and market. 
    • At 12:00 GMT on the 19th of October classified documents will be removed from inventory and market. Be sure to exchange them to the vehicles before that moment!

The War Thunder Team


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