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World War: season “Road to the West”
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A new season in ‘World War’ begins on July 1st. Large scale operations with unique missions and awesome prizes await squadrons and lone fighters alike!

July 1st until July 20th - 10 game days of the “Road to the West” season!

Schedule of the operations


Battle for the Fulda Gap

(USSR vs Germany)

Alternate history scenario. July 25th, 1985. Soviet forces rely on a powerful tank group, for the operation of which two lowlands in the mountainous area of Hesse — the Fulda Gap — are well suited.

Battle of the “Chinese Farm”

(Egypt (USSR) vs Israel (USA))

Historical scenario. October 17th, 1973. Israeli forces crossed the Suez Canal and entrenched themselves on its west bank. The Egyptian command plans a counterattack near the Chinese Farm with the aim of encircling the enemy and regaining control of the Tirtur and Akawish roads.

Awards for all players

All players are able to unlock the following awards by earning “World War” Stars ⭐.

IL-2 (M-82) (Premium, II rank)

IL-2 (M-82) (Premium, II rank)
IL-2 (M-82) Development Blog

An experimental modification of the legendary Sturmovik, created amidst the Nazi onslaught. A different engine and a long-anticipated defensive turret with .50 machine-gun.

M60 AMBT (event special, VII rank)

M60 AMBT (event special, VII rank)
M60 AMBT Development Blog

The most advanced modification of the M60 in the game. Improved mobility thanks to its powerful diesel engine, and a mighty 120mm smoothbore gun, similar to the M1A1 Abrams.

All awards

⭐ x2 — one of the operation decals;

⭐ x3 — one of the 3d decorations “firearms”;

⭐ x4 — IL-2 (M-82);

⭐ x5 — IL-2 (M-82) camo; (preview)

⭐ x6 — one of the operation decals;

⭐ x7 — one of the 3d decorations “firearms”;

⭐ x8 — M60 AMBT;

⭐ x9 — M60 AMBT camo; (preview)

⭐ x10 — the “Emblem of the 600th Armored Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces” decal and a unique title 🌍 Veteran of the season “Road to the West”.

For the first battle of the day (in World War) - World War trophy.

Contains one of the following items:

  • 10-30% SL/RP booster
  • 10% SL/RP booster for all allies
  • Random wager
  • Random order
  • Modification for one of the vehicles used in the battle
  • Talisman for one of the vehicles used in the battle


Decal for the operation - Battle for the Fulda Gap
Decal for the operation
Battle for the Fulda Gap
Decal for the operation - Battle of the “Chinese Farm”
Decal for the operation
Battle of the “Chinese Farm”
Emblem of the 600th Armored Brigade of Israel Defense Forces decal
Emblem of the 600th Armored Brigade of Israel Defense Forces decal

3D decorations

Assault rifle (Israel) decoration
Assault rifle (Israel) decoration
Semi-automatic sniper rifle (Germany) decoration
Semi-automatic sniper rifle (Germany) decoration

Tasks for receiving World War Stars

To earn a World War Star ⭐ you need to complete 3 of 5 tasks in World War battles during one game day of the season.

  • Win 8 battles with an in-game activity of 70% or higher (or 4 as a participating member of a squadron).
  • Destroy 40 enemy player-controlled vehicles (or 20 as a participating member of a squadron).
  • Help your allies by destroying enemy player-controlled vehicles 20 times (or 10 as a participating member of a squadron).
  • Play 6 battles and place between 1 and 3 on your team’s scoreboard (or 3 battles as a participating member of a squadron).
  • Destroy 10 enemy player-controlled vehicles in one battle (or 5 as a participating member of a squadron).

Missing World War Stars ⭐ can be purchased for Golden Eagles until the 22nd July, even if tasks haven’t been completed, through the menu “Nickname → Achievements → World War → World War Stars”.

Awards for squadron players

Only squadron members and their commanders will be able to receive these awards.

For commanders and fighters

Prizes for squadron leaderboard at the end of the season.

  • Place 1-3  — coupon for M60 AMBT.
  • Place 4-10  — coupon for IL-2 (M-82).
  • The best 10 squadrons - season decals of the World War (remain in player’s inventory till the next WW season).
  • The best 50 squadrons - squadron medal “Road to the West”.

Only for commanders

Prizes for commanders leaderboard at the end of the season.

  • The best 10 commanders — coupon for M60 AMBT.
  • Place 11-50  — coupon for IL-2 (M-82).

Season decals

Season decal “Falcon of War”
Season decal “Falcon of War
Season decal “Tiger of War”
Season decal “Tiger of War
Season decal “Shark of War”
Season decal “Shark of War
Season decal “Wolf of War”
Season decal “Wolf of War

Squadron medals

1st place
1st place
2nd place
2nd place
3rd place
3rd place
op-10 and Top-50
Top-10 and Top-50

Awards will be given only to the players who have played at least 100 battles in the operation for their squadron. The number of battles played can be viewed in the “World War” tab of your squadron.

Each commander’s action in the operation will achieve 1 activity point for them (but not more than once per minute). At the end of the operation, the squadron will receive a rating score (200 for victory, 40 for defeat, 5 for each winning battle and 1 for each lost one) which will be distributed among the commanders proportionate to their activity.

 World War for commanders on our Wiki

World War mode for novices

World War mode is open to all players, but its most interesting features and valuable awards are only available for squadron players. You can join a squadron at any time, or even create your own to get access to the additional season awards, and you may even be able to complete the tasks faster!

In World War mode, large squadrons can fight against each other in various operations, with each battle potentially bringing them closer to victory. For players who aren't squadron members, World War mode opens many new mission types with special rules and rewards.

All players who have achieved rank III are able to participate in World War battles.

Click to unfold


Expand the game mode selection under the button “To Battle” and select “World War”.

In this window you can see the “Join the battle” buttons. Every button contains a list of all available battles for each side. Here you can also find the leaderboards and buttons to join battle by squadron. These buttons allow all squadron members to join a battle at once, if there is an active operation. 

“All battles” are sorted by mission type. Red icon - this battle is already in progress. Yellow icon - this battle will start shortly. Gray icon - this battle has already reached the maximum number of players.

Preparation for the battle

Select the battle to proceed to the preparation phase. At this stage, you need to put the vehicles needed for the battle into your vehicle slots.

The composition of each army is represented by vehicle groups and their numbers. Place one vehicle from each vehicle group into the vehicle slots. If you have already purchased vehicles represented in the vehicle groups, you will be able to choose those vehicles instead, if preferred. If you haven’t purchased represented vehicles, you will still be able to use one vehicle from each of the vehicle groups, but without possibility to choose.

To simplify the arrangement of the vehicles, use the button “Generate vehicle preset”. The algorithm will select the vehicle with highest BR for each vehicle group and will place them in the most optimal vehicle slots (based on crew skills).

After completing the preparation phase and placing vehicles into the vehicle slots, you can then proceed to clicking the “To Battle” button and wait for the battle to begin. 

In the battle

At the beginning of the battle, each player will receive one or more vehicle units randomly selected from the army. If you lose your vehicle, it will be immediately replaced by another randomly selected vehicle.

This information is especially important for squadron members! Each vehicle lost in the battle will be deducted from its group and the army as a whole.

By fighting in World War mode, you earn respawn points which will not be lost between the battles and will give you the ability to use desired vehicles of the army - the best vehicles for the best fighters!

More about World War on our Wik

Read also

World War scenario: Battle of the Chinese Farm

World War scenario: Battle for the Fulda Gap

World War: what’s new in the new season “Road to the West”?

The War Thunder Team


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