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Players who surprised us in September
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Picture by Hazawa

Today, those of you who enjoy film will particularly appreciate this month’s top 5 War Thunder players! Famous movies have helped us come up with names for our nominations, including "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly"! Stay tuned; you will also find out who takes the main role in the game adaptation of “Top Gun”, and why our “Swiss Army Man” is so unique.

All the heroes in this compilation will receive the in-game title “Five minutes of fame”.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and maybe you will be among our heroes in the future!

The Good

LLAMAPALOOZA starts this distinguished list. He always aspires to be at the forefront of an attack, and therefore, often sees the rewards that a "First strike!" has to offer, at the expense of others... 

The Bad

We find that Main_Potato_Tank also doesn’t like to procrastinate; he wants to get into the battle as soon as possible. Why is he in second place? Put simply, unlike the first, his rush ends in his vehicle’s loss. He allows others to achieve their first kill more often than your average player, at his own expense.

The Ugly

Maciavelli1993 - a true incarnation of the villain for many of our players. More than 80% of his battles in the last month entailed the use of ATGMs.

Swiss Army Man

In contrast to the previous nominee, we find *gdh4fah6132. He likes to diversify his game to a greater degree, and for a month, managed to participate with 378 different vehicles.

Top Gun

One player assured us several times on our site that in September, he would shoot the most aircraft whilst flying the Westland Wyvern. Well, he failed, and it’s probably not a good idea to point out the shame that this entails (and we will not name him), because if you make a promise, you should keep it! But in his stead, we find xwWWwx, who takes the winning place while flying the Wyvern. He took down 388 aircraft last month!

The War Thunder Team

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