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Players who surprised us in August
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Picture by alex59reg

Today we present to you 5 players that really surprised all of us in August! Some of them are talented players in the game, but others just get lucky.

All the heroes in this compilation will receive the in-game title “Five minutes of fame”.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and maybe you will be among our heroes in the future!

A sprinter comes to a marathon...

The summer event is over, but we especially want to mention two players from the hundreds of thousands people who have taken a part in it. These players don't want to spend all day on a single stage.

PiekielnyZiom was the fastest one at completing tank tasks in the summer marathon, on average it took him only 100 minutes to finish an event stage. Mainframe7 spent 54 minutes on average to get the pilot's mark of distinction.


While many players in arcade tank battles believe that they are a kamikaze as soon as they find themselves in an aircraft, *Sailorboy1955 makes every effort to look after his plane. He earns the "Safe and Sound" achievement far more often than any other player.

You shall not pass!

For much of the time, hordes of vehicles under the control of the artificial intelligence attacks any zones, protected by players. Sometimes it even seems that the waves of opponents can not be repelled, but then *Meister_Joda comes along and saves the day. Over 800 games in PVE mode in just one month! Incredible determination!

Reversive thinking

Some players are interested in using anything but regular tanks. They want something vica-versa like for example Archer. If you ever wondered how to use this tank destroyer, then ask hinganhguk, over the last month he rolled it out of the hangar more than 250 times. Quite a fan of this quirky vehicle.

The War Thunder Team

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