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Players who surprised us in March
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We are happy to introduce the very original top-5 players from the previous month. Unusual achievements you would never think of. Every one of these is extremely good in his own way of gaining victory - or at least trying to do so.

Die Hard

The first one is our “saddest” winner. “Die Hard” nomination is given to a player who most often took first place… in the losing team :(

 Sir_Nos, who has been with us since 2013 and during more than 100 battles this month tried to bring his team to victory against all odds - but it was in vain. Congratulations mate, and we feel for you.


How often do you change vehicles after battle? Perhaps you play 2 or even 3 different nations? Our next hero Masuldur is an “Internationalist” - he played 290 battles last month - 58 battles for each of the 5 War Thunder nations! 

The Conqueror

“Capture the base, must.. capture… the base!” The most persistent player of the month is Elrik, he captured enemy bases two times more often than most players. “The conqueror” - that’s what we will call him! By the way, are you already completing April’s Battle Tasks?


 *briansmith3592 will be “known” as “Undecided” - not “inefficient” - this player changed Battle Tasks more times than anybody.


And finally the “hottest” nomination goes to WolfHeinz, he lets his enemies… burn. 51% of his opponents were destroyed by fire - we have a real “Pyro” here! 

The War Thunder Team

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