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Video Digest 17.03.2025

In this selection of videos from our YouTube channel we explain how squadron battles work, talk about the P40 and the Kamov helicopters, and introduce the Hornet, the star of the next major update!

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Squadron Battles

War Thunder offers numerous game modes for its players. In addition to the classic ones divided by vehicle groups, there’s also some competitive modes. One of those modes is ‘squadron battles’.

Kamov Helicopters: No Tail Rotor, No Problem

Kamov Design Bureau helicopters are easily recognizable by their signature feature: two rotors arranged in a unique coaxial configuration, rarely seen among competitors.

Thunder Show: ATOMIC DRAMA

A series of situations where players shine despite circumstances or expectations.

F/A-18C Hornet: Naval King

The American 4th-gen carrier-based fighters are arguably the most anticipated additions of the “Hornet’s Sting” update. Let’s take off to the skies on the most advanced member of the Hornet family and the new top of the tech tree, the F/A-18C Late.

Light Heavy Tank

Compared to the armored vehicles mass-produced by the giants of the military industry, Italian tanks made in the middle of World War II looked pretty pale. The resource and technology scarcity that began in the Interwar period meant bad news for the mechanized units of the Kingdom. Italian crews could only dream of vehicles like the Soviet IS tanks or the German Tigers. The Ansaldo and Fiat companies were looking for a way to create a more modern machine for the army, but the only vehicle that reached mass production was a ‘light heavy tank’ called the P40.

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Read more:
Get the FIAT 6614 FIROS in the Rocket Storm Event!
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Hornet’s Sting: Improvements and New Features!
  • 14 March 2025

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