War Thunder background
Physically based rendering – Dagor Engine 4.0 in War Thunder

Very soon, we will introduce a new graphical technology to the game. This technology will make the graphics in War Thunder even more realistic and beautiful. Meet Physically Based Rendering – physically correct image rendering.

  • 6 August 2015
Summertime Madness

This time we prepared not only tasks and prizes but also an unusual game event: from August 6th to August 17th complete the tasks to get a ticket for “March to Victory!” tournament.

  • 6 August 2015

With high mobility, strong frontal armour, but rather weak armament, the T-50 can be challenging experience, but in a hands of determined player skilled in improvisation, it can do wonders.

  • 6 August 2015
Canadair CL-13 Mk 5 Sabre

The Canadair CL-13 Mk 5 is one of the two German top tier jet-fighter aircraft alongside the MiG-15Bis. Whilst the MiG is a popular choice among many players, the CL-13 is an extremely high performance aircraft boasting one of the fastest top speeds in game.

  • 5 August 2015
Advance to the Rhine

In the previous update, we rolled out the first fully urban tank map. Continuing the theme of highly complex tank battles in urban conditions, a next update will include a new map: The Crossing of the Rhine.

  • 5 August 2015
War Thunder on Gamescom 2015

From August 5th to August 9th in the German city of Cologne international video game show Gamescom 2015 will take place. Don’t miss the live streams and devblog marathon.

  • 4 August 2015
Dev Q&A compilation

Regularly, some of our development team interact with our community on the Official Forums. The players are invited to ask the team questions in regard to future development.

  • 4 August 2015
Philippine Air Force

The history of the Philippine Air Force started in March 1937. It was then that the Philippine National Guard was created via the Militia Act 2715.

  • 4 August 2015
August Ace of the Month - Flight Lieutenant Eric Lock

As a World War 2 Ace for the RAF, few have been able to equal Eric Lock’s outstanding success in combat.

  • 3 August 2015
War Thunder Skin, Screenshot and Video Competition - July winners

We present to you the monthly winners of our current War Thunder Skin Competition, Youtube Competition & Screenshot competition. Enjoy!

  • 2 August 2015
Gaijin.Net Store redesign

Dear players! We are pleased to announce, a brand new design for the War Thunder webstore (including other games from our company), which is now called the Gaijin.Net Store

  • 31 July 2015

Have you had a War Thunder question preying on your mind for quite a while now? Then don’t miss the opportunity to meet Gaijin CEO Anton Yudintsev during gamescom 2015 in Cologne!

  • 31 July 2015
Black Thursday Events

Pilots, the time has come to prove your skill in controlling the highest class of aircraft available in War Thunder! Join in with this weekend’s “Black Thursday” event to engage in jet warfare over Korea!

  • 31 July 2015
War Thunder Video Tutorials - Part 12: Tanks Sniper

In the twelfth video we will discuss how to put the gun of your tank to good use!

  • 30 July 2015
War Thunder Skin and Screenshot competition July week 4 winners

We present to you the winners of our current War Thunder's Screenshot & skin Competition.

  • 30 July 2015
Prize Question: The Vote!

Vote on which Community question to Gaijin CEO Anton Yudintsev interests you the most - and win exclusive Crossout Closed Beta Access in the process!

  • 29 July 2015
T-34 57

As a member of the T-34 line of Soviet tanks during the Second World War, the T-34-57 is a much loved vehicle for the mid-ranked matches in War Thunder.

  • 29 July 2015
Stow the boiling vessel - Target front!

We would like to proudly present to you a project that the development team has been working on diligently for a long time - British ground vehicles!

  • 28 July 2015