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The Shooting Range #386
Hello, friends! We’d like to start with telling you that next Sunday, on the 31st of December, we’ll support our annual tradition and sum up the year of 2023 in a heartwarming, relaxed atmosphere. So prepare your favorite treats or desserts in advance, make sure your Christmas tree is all ready, and get comfortable. Today, though, we’re going to continue discussing the new Air Superiority update.
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  • 24 December 2023
Thunder Show: GERMAN TECH
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the craziest moments of the past week. Today we’d like to talk about surprises, the nice ones for the players... And the not so nice ones for their opponents. Let’s get started!
  • 22 December 2023
Hull Armor of the M1 Abrams
We’ve seen a lot of topics regarding the armor of the Abrams series of tanks, more specifically the presence of DU (depleted uranium) armor, and so we’d like to share our data on the subject.
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  • 22 December 2023
Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft
Hello everyone. We’ve noticed that many of you had questions regarding spall liners on tanks and armor in general. To avoid any misunderstandings, we’d like to briefly answer some of these elements below.
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  • 21 December 2023
Fair Play: December 2023
Nobody likes cheaters. We’re continuing to actively fight them — and we want to thank those who are actively helping us on this matter. The number of violations identified and banned recently has significantly increased — and with it of course the integrity of all battles!
  • 21 December 2023
Unstoppable Power: Best Heavy Tanks
Heavy tanks are the main striking force of a team, used specifically to plow through enemy defenses. Vehicles of this type can take a lot of hits, but they are equally good at dishing out punishment. Today we’re going to talk about the most interesting tanks of the class available in War Thunder: the true heavyweight champions of the battlefield.
  • 20 December 2023
Collecting Your Ideas for the 2024 Roadmap
As previously announced, today we’re inviting you to help us create an interesting list of features and improvements for War Thunder that you’d like to see.
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  • 20 December 2023
Detailed information surrounding Spall Liners in War Thunder
In War Thunder, we try to add as much detail as possible to various types of combat vehicles. Spall liner is a new armored vehicle protection feature that we introduced in the Air Superiority update, which we know is widely discussed on all platforms. We’d like to explain in detail how this mechanic works, and what its capabilities and limitations are. 
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  • 20 December 2023
Celebrate Christmas and the New Year in War Thunder!
We’re nearing the end of December now, which means it’s time for gifts, bright decorations, fireworks and generally a jolly festive mood. All of which await you this Christmas and New Year’s period!
Premium Battleships Courbet and Leonardo da Vinci
Today we’re going to be talking about and showcasing two brand-new Premium Battleships that have been added to the Air Superiority major update — the French Courbet and the Italian Leonardo da Vinci.
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  • 19 December 2023
The Shooting Range #385
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 17 December 2023
Thunder Show: CROC CRAWL
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most eye-popping moments of the past week. The motto of this episode is “if you really want it, you can do it”! Let’s get started!
  • 15 December 2023
Su-27: Feisty Flanker!
One of the world’s best jet fighters, the Su-27 has arrived to War Thunder in the Air Superiority major update for the USSR and China, and today we’ll be explaining it all.
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  • 14 December 2023
Meet Major Update “Air Superiority”!
We’re ending 2023 in style with the awesome Air Superiority major update. Top-tier jets have been added to several nations, some of which include the F-15, the Su-27 and J-11, the Mirage 4000, plus the JAS39. We’ve introduced Rank VIII for ground vehicles, and subsequently new tanks: M1A2 SEP2, Leopard 2A7V, T-90M, VT-4A1, Strv 122B+ and Challenger 3 (TD)! The USA gets the brilliant USS Roanoke and a few other ships come in for other nations, while Volcano Valley is here for aircraft, set in the beautiful peninsula landscapes of Russia. The ability to use universal backups while in battle and tutorial missions for using aircraft missiles have also been added, and we’ve reworked all types of fire graphics for vehicles and burning buildings to make them look better in general.
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  • 14 December 2023
MiG-29: Soviet Fulcrum
The Cold War led to a huge boost to the development of all types of weapon systems, and combat aircraft were no exception. By the end of the 1960s, the US and the USSR came to the same conclusion: it was time to introduce a new generation of fighter aircraft, the fourth generation, and make it the core of their respective air forces.
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  • 13 December 2023
Following the Roadmap: WT Mobile Login Streak & Keeping you updated with our plans
In this Roadmap article, we’ll be talking about one of the Roadmap additions to the Air Superiority major update, as well as talking about some of the plans we have for the future.
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  • 13 December 2023
Winter Extreme: Earn Yourself Rewards this Festive Season!
Winter is in full swing, it’s time to warm up and settle down for a brand new Winter Extreme in War Thunder! To brighten up your long dark evenings, we’ve prepared a heap of prizes for you that can be unlocked just by playing — all you need is to do your best in random battles and earn mission score!
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  • 13 December 2023
JAS39 Gripen: The Ultimate Nordic Warbird
The JAS39 Gripen is the latest multirole jet fighter developed by Saab and fielded by the Swedish air force. Striking not only in appearance but also in its capability, the Gripen will soon represent the pinnacle of Swedish military aviation technology, and today we’ll be talking about it!
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  • 13 December 2023