War Thunder background
Battle Pass Vehicles: Le Triomphant
Today we’re going to be talking about the main naval prize of the upcoming Battle Pass season: the French premium Destroyer Le Triomphant, coming in as one of the fastest Bluewater Fleet ships in the entire game!
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  • 17 January 2024
It's fixed! №85
Today we’ll be talking about the bug fixes and improvements that we’ve been working on in the past 2 weeks. Thanks for your reports!
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  • 17 January 2024
The Shooting Range #389
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 14 January 2024
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most explosive moments of the past week. Sometimes getting a frag is not enough. You simply have to make it look beautiful, too. Let’s get started!
  • 12 January 2024
Swedish Armed Forces Day: The SAV 20.12.48 and a Decal!
On January 14th 1521, Gustav Vasa formed his personal guard. Two and a half years later, he achieved independence of Sweden and became its first king, with his guard becoming part of the victorious army. Sweden, a century later thanks to its army, became one of the most powerful empires in Europe.
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  • 12 January 2024
War Thunder RWRs: The Ultimate Guide
The Sons of Attila update has introduced some major reworks into aircraft radar warning systems. Today we’d like to tell you everything you need to know about RWR.
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  • 10 January 2024
The Shooting Range #388
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 7 January 2024
Thunder Show: LAST SPIN
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most January moments of the past week. We’ve only just recovered from the holidays, too, so please, no loud sounds and flashing lights... What? Our whole game is loud sounds and explosion flashes? Eh, fair enough. Let’s get started then!
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  • 5 January 2024
Celebrating the Holidays: Winter Vistas 2024
It really smells like turkey and gingerbread cookies here, and that means that we’re deep into the winter holiday season. Last year, we introduced a lot of new winter locations for all types of vehicles, so it makes perfect sense to bring you on a short tour around them to show you the best spots to celebrate winter holidays with your buddies!
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  • 3 January 2024
Server Attack and Compensation on January 2nd
Dear players, on January 2nd at 11:30 UTC, our authentication servers were targeted by malicious attackers. As a result, some of you experienced difficulties logging into the game or using our services. Our technical specialists have stabilized server operations and are taking measures to ensure that such attacks in the future will not be successful.
  • 2 January 2024
The Shooting Range #387
Hello, friends! The New Year is coming in just a few hours, and this means you’re watching this year’s last episode of The Shooting Range. Although, some of you must’ve met 2024 already! In any case, it’s time to remember what 2023 was like in War Thunder. Make yourselves comfortable...
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  • 31 December 2023
Happy New Year 2024!
2023 is now nearly wrapped up. Everyone from Gaijin would like to wish you all a prosperous new year — we wish you fantastic celebrations and a happy and healthy 2024 with your friends and family. Here’s to another year!
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  • 31 December 2023
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most incredible moments of the past week. We’ve got some pretty unbelievable hits, a collection of spectacular encounters, and some good old heroism. Let’s get started!
  • 29 December 2023
The MiG-15bis ISH Is Back for Its Maiden Flight Anniversary and Is Here to Stay
On December 30th 1947, the MiG-15 jet fighter took off for the first time, later becoming one of the most popular jet fighters in history. The MiG-15 was actively used to protect Warsaw Pact countries and showed itself well especially in the Korean War.
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  • 29 December 2023
Pages of History (January): Ace in a Day!
In this month’s Pages of History, you’ll be at the center of events that took place in different theaters of war. Many important battles ranging from the end of World War II, as well as major battles in the Middle East: take part in battles with the vehicles corresponding to these historic battles and receive prizes.
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  • 28 December 2023
Decorating Our Vehicles: Holiday Camouflages 2024
2024 is finally here, and we’re all having a big celebration to welcome it in. We say goodbye to the previous year, witness the first dawn of the new one, and enjoy the freshness of the snow and the crackling of fireworks. Naturally, War Thunder joins the festivities as well, with holiday gifts, a huge Christmas tree, and our own fireworks. There’s one more way to enjoy the holiday though: you can turn to user-made camouflages to dress up your vehicles! That’s right: after a bit of tinkering, even the fearsome machines of war can spread winter cheer!
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  • 27 December 2023
40 New User-Created Camouflages in the “Air Superiority” Trophy!
Meet the “Air Superiority” skin trophy, which includes 40 camouflages from Live.WT presented in coupon form!
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  • 27 December 2023
The New Year Sale in the Gaijin.net store!
We’re continuing to celebrate winter holidays and we’re glad to offer you discounts in the Gaijin.Net store. More than 30 offers with vehicles with 50% discounts and 30% for selected pack from the latest updates! Boost your progress, or kick start research in any tech tree from any nation in the game!
  • 26 December 2023