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Are you fond of U.S. aircraft? Don’t miss your chance to get a rank III gift XF5F Skyrocket
From September 19th 15:00 GMT to September 22nd 12:00 GMT
Complete tasks of the special to receive a gift U.S. fighter and unique decals
How to get the reward?
Activate the code
Until September 22nd activate a code
“USAF” on a special webpage here and relogin.
USAF emblem
Win 5 battles with 60% battle activity and receive “USAF Emblem” decal
USAF flag
Gain at least 1947 score in 3 battles
and receive “USAF flag” decal
X5F5 Skyrocket
Destroy 50/25/25 (AB/RB/SB) player-controlled vehicles and receive the rank III gift XF5F.
Attention! tasks can be complete whilst flying U.S. aircraft of rank III or higher in all game modes except Enduring Confrontation and PvE.
- “USAF Anniversary” achievements can only be completed after the code «USAF» is activated for your account.
- You can check whether the code is active in your profile -> purchase history in Gaijin.Net Store
- You can follow your progress in Achievements -> USAF Anniversary
From the moment the United States purchased her first War Plane until 1947, the job of securing America’s skies fell primarily to the US Army and Navy. Beginning in 1909 with the first official title of - Aeronautical Section, Signal Corps - US Army. On September 18th, 1947, American President Harry S. Truman, signed into action the National Defense Act. Authorizing the creation of a new centralized and independent branch of Military Aviation Authority - The U.S. Air Force. From relatively humble origins, the USAF over 70 years has grown into one of the largest, most professional, military service organizations in the world.
Join with us today in commemorating 70 years of American airpower , achievements, and technological advancement. As well as to honor the men and women who over the decades have served, sacrificed, and pushed the envelope of what it means to be a U.S. Military Aviator.
The War Thunder Team
Comments (318)
Nice event, 50 air kills in AB is quite doable. Thanks Gaijin!
Thulle_, Have to second what Cervomix has said, this is how the anniversary events should be, you have done well gaijin (also i like your new ui)
What will we get who already got the XF5F, i want a new plane too! D:
Yea I have had mine for a long time. Been waiting for the 23mm guns!
I want TB3 :C
Gaijin is killing it with these new, ultra-reasonable events for players like me who weren't around to collect some of the vehicles from back in the day. Going to be buying up all of the new vehicles and packs to show my gratitude for these opportunities :D
Same here, I WAS planning on only getting some more premium during the big Nov sale, now I'm gonna break out the wallet and do some serious shopping, gotta support a company that supports their fans with great events!
I already have it... Can I get P-26A-34 "Peashooter"?)
No, but you can have the decals (◠ω◠✿)
Thulle_, :(
So can we activate the code until the 22nd and still complete the task for a certain time after or do we have to do all of it before the 22nd?
The whole special ends on 22nd 12:00 GMT. You cannot complete the special after even if you activated the code.
Thulle_, eh, even someone as shit as me should be able to get 25 kills over the span of 3 days right?
So we can do either 50 ab kills, 25 rb kills or 25 sb kills? or do we have to do all three?
not all three ofc
You need to get 50 kills. RB and SB have got a x2 multiplier so each kill is worth 2. Thus meaning 50 in arcade and 25 in RB and SB.
Where are the decals located?
As someone who has volunteered at the USAF Museum I'm super glad to see the emblem added! XF5F is pretty neato burrito too!
Must be a great job ?
Well, I have activated the code (email confirmed), made around 18 kills in 3 games, but nothing... then I checked the achievements in profiler, and it says 'please activate the bonus code'? I am confused :S.
From last game I made on my aircobras 7 kills only 2 confirmed by achivment <.
IApofisI, Only tier 3 and above vehicles count.
Is it bugged? I destroyed 5 enemy planes and I still got 0/50 kills
you probably need to activate the code first and also try not to fly reserve or rank planes, usually they dont count in the events
DGringo, rank 1*
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