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Become a Tester for the French Navy!
One of the largest and oldest naval fleets in the world, nicknamed La Royale back in the 17th century, has arrived at War Thunder! Its research tree consists of destroyers and cruisers of the French Navy. You can receive access to the closed beta test of the French Navy by either completing a set of tasks or purchasing one of the French naval packs.
Meet Major Update “La Royale”!
The beginning of the Closed Beta Test for the French Naval forces, new and updated graphical effects for flares, afterburners, rockets and missiles along with new hit marks on ground vehicles. More than 50 new or updated vehicles. Amongst them 14 new ships for the French Navy! But sailors are not the only ones to find something for themselves here! The Mighty F-14B, three different Sukhoi jets, the unusual M1 KVT tank or the first tank from India in WT - Vijayanta! Two new locations, fortifications mechanics, new weapons for aircraft and much more awaits you in La Royale update!
Economy Revision - Our Plan in Detail
First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude for your patience during the past few weeks as we diligently worked on outlining the roadmap for the highly anticipated revision of the War Thunder economy.
War Thunder Changes Roadmap
After your feedback and suggestions, we would like to show you the development roadmap of War Thunder for the next few months.
Émile Bertin light cruiser: hit and run
The French Émile Bertin light cruiser lacks protection, but is capable of inflicting deadly damage. The Agile glass cannon of the seas comes to the game in the La Royale update!
The Shooting Range #358
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
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  • 11 June 2023
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most hilarious moments of the past week. In this episode: additional chores before nuclear bombing, ice dodging, establishing dominance with poles, and more! Let’s get started!
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  • 9 June 2023
Missile duels: fair play
More improvements for SACLOS missiles are coming with the La Royale update to bring more balance and authenticity to missile duels.
RN Geniere Is Back for Italian Navy Day
On June 10th, 1918 an Italian MAS 15 torpedo boat, commanded by lieutenant Luigi Rizzo, scouted an Austro-Hungarian dreadnought Szent István — and sank it with only two well-placed torpedo hits. It was a triumph for the Italian fleet, and since 1939 this date is celebrated as Italian Navy Day.
  • 9 June 2023
Bell UH-1: American Gunship
The UH-1 helicopter, also known as “Iroquois” or “Huey”, is a vehicle that every single War Thunder player is familiar with. Thanks to its extensive use in several large-scale military conflicts, most notably during the Vietnam War, Huey became one of the most recognisable helicopters around the world, and an iconic part of the American rotorcraft roster.
M4/T26: a “Sherman” and a half
A US-built experimental M4 tank with a turret and a gun from the T26 will give you the ultimate “Sherman” experience!
Vehicles of D-Day for Golden Eagles!
Today the world remembers the valor of the Allies in their daring landing in Normandy as a part of Operation Overlord. The success of D-Day allowed them to liberate France in mere months and hastened the end of World War II. To commemorate the largest landing operation in history, we are temporarily returning for sale for Golden Eagles vehicles that stormed the beaches of Normandy!
Vijayanta: Armour from India
The Vijayanta medium tank comes to the game in the La Royale update. Meet the first Indian tank in War Thunder!
Celebrating 500 Years of Swedish Independence!
On June 6th, 1523 Gustav Vasa ascended to the Swedish throne and declared the secession of Sweden from the Kalmar Union. Since then, Sweden has maintained independence for 500 years! And on June 6th, 1809 a constitution was adopted that abolished absolute monarchy and paved the way for modern democracy. So this date is celebrated as the National Day of Sweden for two reasons!
The Shooting Range #357
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
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  • 4 June 2023
Thunder Show: MausMarine
Welcome to Thunder Show and the most explosive moments of the past week. You know, it’s really important to know when you can exhale in battle—and when you need to show your best. Fortunately, every player today did a great job in this. Let’s get started!
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  • 2 June 2023
New effects in the La Royale update
La Royale is almost completed! Today we show some visual improvements and new mechanics that will make War Thunder look even better!
D-Day: Event and Decal
On June 6th, 1944 over 150,000 Allied soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy under heavy fire from German fortifications. Opening a second front in Western Europe was one of the most important events in World War II and led to the Allied victory in less than a year.