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War Thunder reaches its 7th year!
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War Thunder is now 7 years old and it’s time to celebrate!

Dear Friends,

Over the past years, we have brought people together from all over the world to participate in friendly combat scenarios, beginning with WWII aircraft and developing all the way to modern-day vehicles. We are very grateful to everyone, as each of you have contributed to what War Thunder is today. And so, it’s time to celebrate!

In-game discounts from the 23rd to the 29th of October

  • 50% discount for all modifications, backup vehicles and talismans for all types of vehicles.
  • 50% discount for premium account: 90 and 365 days.
  • 50% discount for all in-game vehicles for SL and GE, for all nations:

Japan, France and Italy

From the 23rd of October till the 25th of October (09:00 GMT)


From the 25th of October (09:00 GMT) till the 27th of October (09:00 GMT)

Germany and Britain

From the 27th of October (09:00 GMT) till the 29th of October (09:00 GMT)

Vehicles from update 1.91 “Night Vision” and vehicles obtainable via in-game activity in squadrons are not included.

Gifts for all players

From the 1st of November till the 5th of November

From 11:00 GMT on the 1st of November till 07:00 GMT on the 5th of November, choose your gift and complete a simple task to get it.

A13 Mk II 1939 (Britain)
A13 Mk II 1939 (Britain)

Win 5 times with an activity of 60% or higher in random ground battles in AB, RB or SB at rank II and higher.

D.371 H.S.9 (France)
D.371 H.S.9 (France)

Win 5 times with an activity of 60% or higher in random aircraft battles in AB or RB at rank II and higher.

Ya-5M (USSR)
Ya-5M (USSR)

Win 5 times with an activity of 60% or higher in random naval battles in AB or RB at rank II and higher.

You will only be able to choose from 1 of 3 gift vehicles.

Participate in one battle with an activity of 50% or higher in any game mode to get the unique “War Thunder 7 years” decal.

Premium vehicles only available in the shop now available in the game from the 1st of November!

Traditionally on our birthday, we expand the premium vehicle choice for most nations! You will now be able to purchase the following vehicles that were previously only available in the shop directly in the game for Golden Eagles!

  • Kampfpanzer M47G Patton II (Germany)
  • Martin-Baker MB 5 (Britain)
  • Nakajima Ki-87 (Japan)
  • G.55S Centauro (Italy)
  • IS-2 1944.  "Revenge for the Hero Brother"  (USSR)
  • Char B1 ter (France)
  • 76mm Gun Motor Carriage M18 “Black Cat” (USA)
War Thunder 7 years” decal
"War Thunder 7 years” decal

Gaijin.Net Store discounts

From the 1st of November (11:00 GMT) until the 8th of November (09:00 GMT)

50% discounts in the Gaijin.Net store for vehicle packs.

  • 50% discount for War Thunder vehicle bundles in the PlayStation Store.
  • 50% discount for War Thunder vehicle bundles in the XBox Store.

Festive tournament from the 9th of November

Until November 9th (14:00 GMT) sign up for the “1 vs 1” tournament in RB combined battles. Participate in the tournament battles from the 9th of November and you will then be able to win a coupon for the А33 Excelsior premium tank, as well as Golden Eagles!

Happy Birthday War Thunder! Here’s to many more years to come!

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