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Tank Duels: T-54 vs Centurion
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From the 15th of July 15:00 GMT to the 18th of July 07:00 GMT

Take part in duels between the British Centurion and
Soviet T-54 on El-Alamein in AB/RB/SB game modes!

Destroy enemy vehicles to receive Supply Boxes and valuable prizes!


On completion of each stage you will get a "Supply Box" that contains one of the following items :

  • Main Prize: A set of two camouflages for vehicles that participated in the event
  • A 10-75% discount for the British or Soviet premium ground vehicles
  • 5x Back-Ups for Britain or USSR ground vehicles of ranks II - IV
  • 10-40% and boosters


Vehicles participating in the event:

Centurion Mk. 10     

Centurion Mk. 3     

Stridsvagn 81     

     Т-54 1947

     Т-54 1949

     Т-54 1951


  • You are guaranteed to receive the main prize once you complete all three stages for a nation of your choice (or both of them)
  • Tasks can be completed only in special events which are available in the Events and Tournaments Tab
  • You can follow your progress in your Profile -> Achievements -> Tank duels
  • You can complete the tasks only whilst driving the Centurion or T-54

 Tasks (can be completed only in the special event):

 Whilst driving the T-54, destroy 30, 60, and 100 enemy British ground vehicles (3 stages) on the location “El-Alamein”
 Whilst driving the Centurion, destroy 30, 60, and 100 enemy Soviet ground vehicles (3 stages) on the location “El-Alamein”

For Realistic and Simulator Battles an x2 multiplier on destroyed enemies is applied.

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The terrain -El Alamein

El Alamein as a battlefield gained its significance due to battles that occurred during the Second World War, more specifically, during the North African Campaign, when British troops defeated the Italian-German forces led by Erwin Rommel. The front covered a large area, and was situated along the Mediterranean coast, around El Alamein through to the “Qattara Depression” of the Libyan desert.

In-game, this location is an inland elevation of the terrain. The battlefield is located away from the coast, in a position that can be considered ideal due to its diverse terrain. Approximately half of the location hosts desert sand, which can prove advantageous to those seeking cover or even a beneficial vantage point. The remainder of the location hosts rocky formations which are divided into smaller areas, allowing for intense close combat.

Keep your wits about you! Good luck and good hunting!

The War Thunder Team

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