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WW2 Chronicles: U.S. tanker heroes
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Dear players!

We continue our series of  “WW2 Chronicles” specials leading up to the celebrations for Victory day and this time you will be able to to compete for one of the ‘Weapons of Victory’ vehicles - a premium М5А1 5th Canadian Armoured Division light tank!

Complete the tasks and get “The Tankers Trophy” for each completed stage, with the chance of winning random wagers, boosters, a backup vehicle for U.S. armoured vehicles and a 5th Canadian Armoured Division М5А1 from our “Weapons of VIctory” series. In addition, for the completion of some tasks you will receive guaranteed discounts of up to 30% on the purchase of a premium M4A3E2 Jumbo "Cobra King" (Rank III).

Tasks for this event are not linked to WWII chronicles directly and may be completed in any random battle at any difficulty mode (except Tournaments) for any nation. This special is part of a series of events dedicated to the vehicles of the Allies from different theatres of operation during WW2.

From 07:00 GMT 2nd of May to 04:00 GMT 5th of May

U.S. tanker

Complete the tasks by controlling ground vehicles rank II-IV of any nation and get "The Tankers Trophy" for each stage of five, and in the second and fourth stage get a guaranteed discount of 10% and 30%, respectively, for the purchase of the M4A3E2 Jumbo "Cobra King".

  • First stage - destroy 50 enemy ground units
  • Second stage - (10% discount for M4A3E2 Jumbo "Cobra King") - destroy 100 enemy ground units
  • Third stage - destroy 150 enemy ground units
  • Fourth stage (30% discount for M4A3E2 Jumbo "Cobra King") - destroy 200 enemy ground units
  • Fifth stage - destroy 250 enemy ground units

Content of “The Tanker's Trophy”:

You gain one of the following items after completion of each stage:

  • Random wager
  • Random booster for 10-40%  (for 10 battles)
  • Random booster for 10-40% (for 10 battles)
  • 10 000 - 120 000 
  • U.S. back-up vehicles
  • М5А1 of the 5th Canadian Armoured Division

You can track your event achievements by selecting Profile/ Achievements/

WWII Chronicles: U.S. Tanker

Discount for purchasing premium vehicles can be activated in the “Inventory” - ‘Discounts” menu

The War Thunder Team

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