War Thunder background
A Decal and a 3D Decoration Commemorating 80 years from Operation Husky
Operation Husky, a large-scale landing of the Allies on Sicily, began on July 9th, 1943. After a month and a half of fighting, the Allies gained full control of the island, opening naval routes through the Mediterranean sea. Soon after, Benito Mussolini was removed from power, Italy reached a peace agreement with the Allies, and Germany was forced to weaken the Eastern front to take hold of Central Italy.
CV 90: Swedish Quality
Some Swedish vehicles of the Cold War era are pretty hard to assign to a specific class. People still argue whether the Strv 103 MBT should be considered an SPG or not, and the Strv 74 is sitting in a weird gray area between light and medium tanks. That said, the Stridsfordon 90 is clearly a standard Western IFV – and we mean it in the best way possible: Swedish engineers managed to create one of the best vehicles of its class and it can be considered the golden standard of modern IFVs in more ways than one.
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  • 6 July 2023
It’s fixed! №77
In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder in the website special section.
A Tank, a Fighter, and a Decal for US Independence Day
On July 4th, 1776 the Declaration of Independence for the USA was adopted — a historic document that proclaimed equality of rights before it became a part of the Constitution. Independence Day is the main national holiday of the United States that’s celebrated across the country by parades, fireworks and picnics.
Decal for French Air Force Day
France was one of the first countries to use aviation in combat: by the beginning of World War I it had 15 airships and almost 150 aircraft. Still, they were a part of the army until the French Air Force became independent on July 2nd, 1934. Today the French Air and Space Force employ over 40,000 people, and their main combat aircraft are the Mirage 2000 and Rafale.
The Shooting Range #361
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 2 July 2023
Thunder Show: DROP SPAAG
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most hilarious moments of the past week. Today we’re going to show you a new tactic against pilots who downed you, feature an imaginary action movie plot, and root for a David fighting multiple Goliaths. Let’s get started!
  • 30 June 2023
Introducing the top teams from the Grand Final Season I
This weekend, the final matches of the Grand Final Season I Tournament will take place, streamed across our four multilingual twitch streams. The prize for the teams competing for victory includes; 2100 GJN, unique skins and vehicle coupons.
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  • 30 June 2023
Decal for Canada Day
On July 1st, 1867, the British North America Act united various provinces in a single Dominion of Canada. However, for the first 100 years the Canadians didn’t celebrate this date: it became more prominent the more independence Canada gained from the United Kingdom. Today it is a grand national holiday with parades, carnivals, and concerts.
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  • 30 June 2023
Three Different Vehicles and a Decal for The JSDF Day
On July 1st, 1954 the Japan Self-Defense Forces were founded — the new armed forces that were to replace the Imperial Army and Navy that lost in WWII. Today the JSDF employs almost 250 thousand people, and, besides defending Japan, they often participate in peacekeeping and rescue operations around the world.
  • 30 June 2023
Two fighters and a decal for Swedish Air Force Day
On July 1st, 1926 the Swedish Air Force was created by merger of airborne divisions of army and navy. Even though it didn’t participate in World War II, it was preparing to by raising its numbers — and kept doing it in the beginning of the Cold War. By 1957 Sweden held the fourth most powerful air force in the world, consisting of a thousand modern aircraft. After the Cold War ended, Sweden massively decreased the number of aircraft in its service: currently its Air Force employs only about 200 vehicles.
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  • 30 June 2023
Soviet Fighters: Polikarpov’s Way
The name Nikolay Polikarpov seems to be an integral part of the Soviet Air Force. He was an aviation engineer who’d left his footprint in the aircraft industry both in the Soviet Union and worldwide. However, this modest, hard-working, scrupulous, and deeply religious man had a tough and, sadly, very short life.
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  • 28 June 2023
Summer Sale in the Gaijin Store!
Sultry summer is a time for hot deals in War Thunder! Get a discount for the selected standalone packs, and set out to conquer the battlefields!
  • 27 June 2023
Following the Roadmap: maps for aircraft, flares and repair
We continue to let you know about the improvements we are implementing based on the War Thunder updates roadmap. Today, we are going to talk about improving the map rotation for air battles as well as increasing the availability of flares and the ability to extinguish fires and repair vehicles.
The Shooting Range #360
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
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  • 25 June 2023
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most crushing moments of the past week. Today we’d like to talk about... destruction. Random, funny, impressive, or even opening new possibilities. Let’s get started!
  • 23 June 2023
40 new user-created camouflages in the “La Royale” trophy
With the release of every major War Thunder update, we bring you a selection of great author camouflages from Live.WT in one trophy. It is now time to welcome the “La Royale” trophy!
Decal for the British Armed Forces Day
The United Kingdom celebrates its armed forces on the last Saturday of June — which is 24th this year. A week before the holiday, flags of the armed forces are raised across the country, and on June 21st a Reserve Day is held: the UK celebrates its veterans, cadets, and civil servants alike!
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  • 23 June 2023