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Battle Pass
Meet Airborne General, the 14th Season of the Battle Pass!
The M551 Sheridan light tank was named in honor of General Philip Sheridan, an American Civil War General. Equipped with a 76mm M32 cannon, this tank is the main reward of the 14th Battle Pass Season in War Thunder!
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  • 22 January 2024
Meet Tropical Storm, the 13th Season of the Battle Pass!
There’s a storm brewing! New Zealand’s Strikemaster Mk.88 flies over the jungle, wreaking absolute havoc just like a tropical storm. This jet-powered attack aircraft is the grand prize this season, and is a variant created by British company BAC specifically for New Zealand’s Air Force.
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  • 23 October 2023
Meet Armour Breaking Ambusher, the 12th season of Battle Pass
For many types of vehicles that aren't equipped with super sturdy armour, attacks from the flank and ambushes are one of the main ways to achieve victory. The SPz 12-3 LGS, the main prize of the new War Thunder Battle Pass season, is one of such vehicles — and that's why this season is called “Armour Breaking Ambusher”!
Meet Her Majesty's Hussar, the 11th season of Battle Pass
For hundreds of years, hussars were part of the cavalry, but technical progress in the 20th century forced them to ditch horses for tanks — which means they have a place in War Thunder! The eleventh Battle Pass season that will launch very soon is called "Her Majesty's Hussar" for a reason: its main prize, the Centurion (in its later modification), was used by hussar squadrons in the Korean War when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned.
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Meet Royal Guard, the 10th season of Battle Pass
Guards, to arms! The 10th season of Battle Pass, named Royal Guard, begins in War Thunder very soon!
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  • 23 January 2023
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Battle Pass: season “Smell of Victory”
New prizes await their future owners. The ninth season of Battle Pass, called “Smell of Victory”, is starting in War Thunder!
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  • 24 October 2022
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Battle Pass: season “Field Testing”
New prizes await their future owners. The eighth season of Battle Pass, called “Field Testing”, is starting in War Thunder!
  • 26 July 2022
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Battle Pass: season “Armored Elephant”
Time for an upgrade, soldiers. We’re opening the 7th season of the War Thunder Battle Pass!
  • 26 April 2022