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A Decal, USS Cowell and USS Des Moines for the US Navy’s Birthday!

The history of the US Navy dates back to October 13th 1775, when the rebellious colonies first created their Continental Navy. The US Navy’s most significant growth occurred during World War II, when by the end of the war it had become the largest navy in the world.

USS Cowell and USS Des Moines are temporarily available for Golden Eagles at a discount!

Both are available at a 30% discount for 3416 and 5614 Golden Eagles respectively.

When: From today until October 14th (09:00 GMT).

Where: USA > Bluewater fleet > Premium vehicles.


USS Cowell


USS Des Moines

About these ships

  • USS Cowell is at rank III and is armed with 10 x 40 mm Bofors autocannons, 7 x 20 mm autocannons and torpedo tubes with 533 mm Mk.15 torpedoes. Five rapid-fire 127 mm main caliber guns complete this ship, making USS Cowell a formidable opponent at its Battle Rating!
  • USS Des Moines is a very fast-firing rank V heavy cruiser with a strong anti-air battery. This ship excels at long range firefights and can also cover vulnerable allies from boats and air threats.

Get the “US NAVY Day 2024” decal!

For this day, you’ll be able to get this decal by completing the below task.

When: From today until October 14th (09:00 GMT).

Task: Play 3 battles using US ships at rank III or higher to receive the “US NAVY Day 2024” decal!


“US NAVY Day 2024” decal

Additional details:

  • Your activity must not be below 70%.
  • You can complete the task in random battles, except for Enduring Confrontation missions, [Assault] mode and Helicopter PVE battles.
  • Track your progress in the hangar by clicking Nickname → Achievements → Holidays → US Navy Day.
  • You can find the decal in the “Holidays” tab in the Customization menu.
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