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The Lightning F.53 Temporarily Returns for Golden Eagles!

On August 4th 1954, the first flight of the Lightning jet fighter, the final iteration of the single-seat supersonic fighter developed and adopted in Great Britain, took place. The Lightning surely does live up to its name, as its maximum speed is insanely fast!

The Lightning F.53 is temporarily available for Golden Eagles!

The Lightning F.53 is temporarily available for 9,090 Golden Eagles.

When: From today until August 5th (09:00 GMT).

Where: Great Britain > Aviation > Premium vehicles.


About this aircraft

  • The Lightning F.53 is one of 14 variants of this aircraft intended for export. It’s equipped with additional hardpoints that can be used to mount bombs and rockets for ground attack purposes. But like all Lightnings, this one is primarily a fighter-interceptor, relying on its powerful ADEN cannons, Red Top missiles and of course impressive speed. Plus, the stacked engine design that looks rather unique!
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