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It’s Fixed! №93

Today, we’ll be going over the bug fixes and improvements that we’ve made to the game over the past 2 weeks. And today especially we’ve fixed a lot! Let’s take a look.

If you’ve found a bug that you’d like to report, you can do so on our community bug reporting platform.

Crew Interface Improvements

We’ve added a huge number of improvements to the game interface. The most noticeable of them is the ability to easily change the order of crews in a lineup. This can now be done by simply clicking and dragging: click the crew block under the vehicle that has information about the crew number and qualification and level, drag it and drop it wherever you’d like it to go!

Speaking of the crew information block. We’ve revised the way players are notified that crew skills are ready to be improved. Previously, the appearance of the icon was calculated according to a rather complex system which didn’t really meet the needs of many of you. Now the principle is much more simple and convenient, basically, if the crew has accumulated enough experience to train the most expensive of the available skills by at least half a point, you’ll know about it.

We’ve also changed the window for placing vehicles into a crew slot. The information block with the most important information under the slot is now larger, the background is darker so that information on the crew slot is more visible, the country flag and the block with backups have been removed, the block with the legend is now located above the crew bar, and the price of placing vehicles into a crew slot is below it.

Target Tracking Fixes


We’ve fixed two bugs related to target tracking. For aircraft, the operating range of the optical target tracker no longer decreases when switching to 3rd person view. This could have lead to the lock being reset if the target was far enough away. Due to another bug, when the radar was turned off, IRST and optical auto tracking did not work at all.

Anti-Aircraft Radar Fix

After the release of the Seek & Destroy major update, under certain conditions, anti-aircraft radars malfunctioned and displayed targets not with ordinary markers, but with very large arcs measuring almost the entire circle. With an abundance of targets, the radar simply became filled with green concentric arcs and it became practically impossible to read. We’ve fixed this bug and radars now work as expected.

QoL When Spawning In!


Previously, clicking anywhere on the map in the spawn window caused the selected spawn point (if you had selected one) to reset, which could have been frustrating at times. Now clicking anywhere on the map in the spawn window doesn’t reset the selected spawn point!

We’ve also decided to make using a backup more noticeable. The “To Battle!” button will have a golden hue in the spawn window for vehicles that can be spawned in using a backup, and the backup icon will be displayed.

Quicker Killcam


When you’re destroyed, the game replays the shot entirely from where it came from. However, generally many players skip this replay so that they can get back into action as quickly as possible.

So we’ve decided to redo the killcam replays. Now it’ll not show the enemy shot and the entire flight of the shell, which in turn will save as much as five seconds before returning to battle. Instead, you’ll still see the fatal hit in detail, and when you’re shown the enemy who destroyed you, the camera will be turned in your direction to make it easier to assess the killer’s position and any mistake that you made.

TWS Mode Fixes


In this update, there’s been several fixes related to TWS mode. If any target disappeared from the radar screen, the radar could randomly switch to another. Additionally, target tracking was disrupted when the “Sight Stabilization” and “Activate target point” functions were activated.

The Pantsir-S1’s and Tor-M1’s radars could switch the selected target when the target launched a missile or dropped a bomb. When the aircraft’s nose was raised/lowered so much that the desired antenna position went beyond the radar gimbal limits, the antenna moved following the limits and did not return to the desired position afterwards, but rather stayed in the changed position. The target marks in the extended tracking mode don’t rest on the edges of the antenna operating angles and don’t prevent missiles with a radar seeker from being aimed through the radio correction channel anymore.

That’s not all!

You can find the complete list of improvements in the changelog below. Here’s some others from the past 2 weeks: The height of many trees have been reduced on Rocky Canyon, Mysterious Valley, Rocky Pillars, Rice Terraces, Guiana Highlands, Golan Heights, Zhengzhou, Aleutian Islands and South Africa. A notification about the need to turn on the laser target designator for laser-guided AGMs has been returned, and the same notification has been added for laser-guided bombs. Gun stabilizers on boats don’t turn off at speeds above 80 km/h anymore, target lock of TV-guided AGMs doesn’t reset before launch and abruptly move the camera away from the target, and moving the mouse away from the target in the Optical seeker view now drops the lock, as it should. A bug where there was no button for collapsing the action panel in battle for aircraft if the only action in the slotbar was the visual selector of secondary weapons has been fixed as well.

Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our special service.

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