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It’s fixed! №67

In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder in the website special section.

Lasers and Bombs


The most popular report we've been getting from you recently concerned laser designators on the Q-5L and Harrier Gr.7 attack aircraft. These aircraft had two sensors: one installed by default, and the second one on the targeting pod. The sensor on the nose of the aircraft is narrow-angle and cannot look backwards.

Due to an error, when using third person view, the sensor on the targeting pod was ignored in favor of the frontal sensor, and that caused laser designation to break when the aircraft passed over the target, rendering guided bombs useless.

Now the sensors work as intended — bombs away!

A Bit Less Chaos


Stationary guns on ground vehicles function only within the confines of their targeting angles that are usually quite limited. So if your vehicle moves its turret to the side, stationary guns can’t follow it and stop their firing.

Well, that’s what actually happened, but that’s not how it looked for everyone else. Other players saw your vehicle as shooting from all guns into multiple directions! No need for extra chaos on the battlefield: now stationary guns will be silent outside of their targeting angles — both for you and for others.

Don’t Look Up!


This error was well known for a long time, but its cause kept evading us. Now its time has finally come!

The problem concerned naval battles: each swap between first person and third person views slightly shifted the sights upwards, making the shells fly farther. It won’t happen again: the sights will remain in place, and your shots will hit the mark!

That’s Not All

You can find the full list of improvements in a separate patch note, don’t forget to check it out! Sturmtiger had its gun elevation and horizontal targeting angles increased, SANTAL can now research “Airstrike” and “Improved optics” modifications, USS Gearing no longer gets an inflated number of torpedoes, and the helicopter gunner’s sight now always displays the correct distance.


Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our special service.

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