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World War Mode News

World War returns! Let’s talk about the news and improvements in the long-anticipated gaming mode, as well as share our future plans.

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Inter Season

New World War format! Now, in addition to seasons, World War operations will be periodically launched as a regular game event. In such launches, we will be able to present new mechanics, scenarios of operations and missions, or conduct mass testing. Like in other gaming events, you can try something new for yourself or dive into the forgotten old goodness. In some cases, the launch might be timed to a significant historical event and supported by more valuable and unique rewards. In addition, the first in a day battle in World War mode will bring you the “First Battle” Battle Trophy, which contains boosters, wages, orders, universal back-ups and modifications to vehicles used in the battle, including the Talismans!

Second Battle of El Alamein: 80 years later

From November 17th (12:00 GMT) until November 21st (12:00 GMT) join the “Battle of El Alamein” operation of the World War and get a special decal!

November 1942 saw the end of what is believed to be the decisive battle in the North African theatre in World War II. British troops under the command of General Montgomery defeated the forces of Field Marshal Rommel, and an unstoppable retreat of the Axis forces began.

For this date, we have updated the “Second Battle of El Alamein” scenario in World War — the fixed set of vehicles in armies has been changed to groups of vehicles (the mechanics similar to the “Attack from the Sea” season).

Participants in the event will have a chance to receive a commemorative decal, the emblem of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. To do this, you need to score 15,000 mission points in the battles of any operation you like. You are not required to be in a squadron and it is not necessary to play in the operations of your squadron as well.


Emblem of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

Operations on different servers

The “server issues” were among the most notable complaints before, especially, high ping and packet loss in World War sessions. Many players assumed that this was due to the high load on the servers, but the reason was the choice of the server cluster for the created session. In the battles of the World War, a logic was used in which matchmaking automatically selected the appropriate cluster according to the players in the queue for this battle. The session cluster on the server was selected by which cluster there were more players in the queue. As a result, for example, at nighttime for Europe, many sessions were held on the servers of the North American region, since the majority of players were from there at that time.

Now, before creating an operation, squadron leaders must select appropriate clusters in a prioritised list. When an operation is created, the cluster with the highest rating from both leaders is selected and this cluster is assigned to the session, displayed in the upper right side of the operation screen. All battles created in this operation will start on the servers of this cluster.

New mechanics for finding, joining and returning to an operation

You probably know that World War mode can be played by non-squadron players, as well as not only for your squadron. Previously, any player might find a battle in the World War battle list and join it, then a player could stay in the operation or get back to the battle list and join another battle. First of all, this approach prevents the player experiencing immersion in the gaming mode, since they are unable to understand the plot, essence and importance of the situation. Secondly, a huge and clumsy battle list was difficult to browse and affected the infrastructure greatly. We decided to completely abandon the battle list.

Now, in the World War menu players will see an operation join buttons for each side. By clicking the button the game will try to find an appropriate operation with a player’s chosen options, including side and server list. After joining the operation it remains in the World War window and you’ll be able to return back to the operation by clicking the button “Back to [the number of operation]”. If you don’t like the operation. you can find a new one.

For squadron players there will be an active button “Join the [the number of battle]” if your squadron is currently involved in the World War operation.

Changes for squads

Playing in a “mercenary” squad that isn't a part of squadron was also difficult - squad members did not know what the leader was currently doing and in which battles they want to play. And when the leader found the right battle squad members immediately found themselves in a window to prepare for battle and couldn’t familiarise themselves with the operation. They only had to confirm their readiness and join the battle.

Now all squad members will see the leader’s operation instead of the “To Battle” button in the hangar and also additionally in the squad widget. Using these buttons will mean that you can easily and quickly get to the operation of your squad leader, discuss it and make some important decisions together. The presence of squad members in the operation automatically marks them as ready to participate in the operation’s battle - you will only have to confirm the readiness of the crews before entering battle (press the “Ready” button once instead of twice as before).

When the squad leader exits the World War operation the “To Battle” button and squad widget take on their usual appearance and you can play random battles again as before.

Vehicle research

Each World War mode operation involves two game nations and uses a limited vehicle list for each nation. For experienced players it is often the case that all these and surrounding vehicles are researched and the penalty of researching high ranked vehicles can discourage them from playing this mode. Since you can not choose what you are playing in World War mode we decided to remove the penalty for research on high-ranked vehicles in this game mode.

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