War Thunder background
It’s fixed! №38

In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder on the website special section.

Improved overcoming of obstacles


Trenches, embankments and other complex objects are sometimes no less dangerous for a tanker than enemy fire. From now on passing over them will be much safer. We found and fixed the bug where a vehicle might suddenly lose grip and hang on a fairly simple obstacle from which you didn’t expect such a trick.

To go into detail - it was due to an incorrect determination of the angle of inclination of the surface under the vehicle. We have corrected this calculation so there will be a lot less jams now. Concentrate your attention on the enemy, not on stumps.

Filtering suspended armament


Suspended armament on some aircraft can be so flexible that the number of available variants of equipment has long exceeded a dozen and with the advent of more and more modern and advanced vehicles in War Thunder, it only continues to grow. Because of this, even in the significantly refined menu of the suspended weaponry it is sometimes possible to get lost. 

We noticed your comments about this problem and as a solution, we are adding additional filters that allow you to select for example only available weapons for your current level or display only your favorite and customary ones. Simplicity is the key to the fastest start of the next battle and reduce mistakes when equipping your battle vehicle.

Set an alarm for you

No, it isn’t about the alarm clock that disturbs a peaceful night’s sleep and spoils your mood in the morning. It is a very useful alarm clock which doesn’t bother you at all but it will warn you in advance if an item in your inventory is about to expire.

Now the alarm icon will appear on items with only hours left to activate or expire.

Boosters and personal discounts will be marked with a coloured box hours before they expire.

Extinguished additional fire in Assault


It’s a minor fix and a great excuse to remind you of an interesting battle mode where you and a few comrades are fighting waves of AI controlled opponents attacking your base. 

“Assault” is available in the game mode selection menu under the “Battle” button. And we have fixed a bug where a defeated comrade might leave a firing hanging in the air when leaving a battle earlier. This was a good symbol of the loser’s emotions but it didn’t look very realistic.

More improvements

For this digest we have prepared a large set of useful fixes and game improvements. Be sure to read the full list which we have prepared in the separate changelog - there are many interesting things.

Open the full changelog

Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted by using our special service.


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