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“Battle Royale” tournament - New mission in Sweden
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Become the last player alive amongst dozens of opponents in a shrinking battle area! Grab the loot on the map to defeat all enemies — blow them up with powerful artillery or repair all modules and restore the crew in your tank in the battle. Destroy your opponents to get more awards, сoupon for the “Gladiator helmet” (gold) decoration and premium Sweden packs from Gaijin.Net Store!

From 14:00 GMT on the 29th of April until 14:00 GMT on the 2nd of May Participate in the tournament in AB and RB in the game.

Vehicles and tournament locations

Daily at 14:00 GMT the available BR range and location setup will be changed.

  • Day 1 — BR 5.0-6.0 “Abandoned Plant” and “Finland”.
  • Day 2 — BR 6.0-7.0 “Port Novorossiysk” and “El Alamein”.
  • Day 3 — BR 7.0-8.0 “Advance to the Rhein” and “Stalingrad (Ground Forces)”.

A new mission in the “Sweden” location will be available throughout the tournament.

How to participate 

To participate in the tournament you will need to purchase a ticket in the menu “Events and Tournaments → Tank Tournaments”. The following tickets are available for a various number of battles: Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Choose the tournament, click on the “Participate” button then click on the ticket.

You can purchase up to 5 Silver tickets (25 battles) for each game mode. Gold tickets will be sold without any restrictions and Platinum tickets will provide the necessary number of battles for the desired tournament throughout its duration.

At the end of the event unused tickets will be canceled. Tickets can not be returned or exchanged.


Awards for the best players at the end of the tournament in each game mode:

1st place: CV 90105 TML Pack
1st place: CV 90105 TML Pack
2nd place: Strv 103-0 Pack
2nd place: Strv 103-0 Pack
3rd place: SAV 20.12.48 Pack
3rd place: SAV 20.12.48 Pack
  • Place 1 - 50:
  • 1000 Golden Eagles
  • сoupon for the “Gladiator helmet” (gold)
  • In-game “Survivor” title.
  • Place 51 - 100:
    • 500 Golden Eagles
    • сoupon for the “Gladiator helmet” (gold) decoration.

We will publish the list of winners and give out any rewards at the latest by the 4th of May.

Awards that you will be able to receive receive throughout the tournament:

“Gladiator helmet” decoration
  • Each victory — An additional Silver ticket for 5 battles (but not more than 2 tickets in the player’s inventory at one time) and a trophy which contains one of the following items:
    • Premium account for 3 days *
    • 50% RP premium booster for 5 battles *
    • 50% SL premium booster for 5 battles * 
    • Set of wagers *
    • Set of orders *
    • Back-up x3 vehicle for the vehicle that participated in the battle * 
  • 2 victories in one tournament —“Gladiator helmet” decoration.
  • 5 victories in one tournament — "Gladiator helmet” (silver) decoration.
Trophy for each victory

More about tournaments:

  • Victory in the battle will be awarded to the player who is the last survivor in the mission.
  • Places in the leaderboard will be determined by the Elo rating system.
  • In all tournaments the system of counting all achievements, wagers and back-up vehicles will additionally not be available.
  • Number of participants: from 12 to 32.
  • One respawn.
  • Players from one squadron will not be able to join the same battle.
  • There’s a bonus that can be picked up during battle that includes:
    • Artillery - an extremely powerful strike that destroys anything within a specific radius but it takes a while before the barrage begins. Available for all vehicle types. Not available at the end of a battle
    • Repair kit - repairs all modules and restores all ammo.
    • Med kit - restores the crew.
    • Fire extinguisher
  • You may exchange a “Gladiator helmet” (gold) coupon earned in tournament battles for 1,200 Warbonds.
  • If you already own any of the prize packs, you may exchange them for a tank pack of a similar price.
Tournament results

Arcade battles

  • Place 1 - 50: OploT_54_UA, Dragomania, __VoLKoDaV__, B0JI40H0K, EviL_Wolf, Chicken_Emperor, Xo6iT, LEONIDROBOT, MiksX, W33k, Mr_Eduardo, Imperialist777, x_Andrew_x, _Dimon_71rus_, NightFury_Koala, P_E_R_M_A_N_, ReturnTSSMarkers, AfricanHut, Golden_Falcon_99, KiRiSHeTiK_, denis19ji, _Bar1pad_, Shadowkey, *KIBELEK889PL, BoMaWi, *vraffini, SuperSilahTR, ozdreg2, GhostProdigy, ___KV___, AlphaSRB, _77__UGOUCT__77_, DeZaRus, _Gogodayi_, dod300, ALAN_ARG, SanSanych_, gogig88, Wiewiorek97, Bowenabc, Praga34, GinTR1k, Kykypy3huk, LitachOK1011, Razupaltuf, Lasha_1997_, denisceastov, North3rn, NShuter, _Nishizumi_MiHo_
  • Place 51 - 100: MostWanted2025, MaKiGa1kOkUj1N, Bennyedgehog, Voland_76, kosm0, _prometheus_, MaVi_ATeS_78, TheACM, Helix_, DADAL0GLU, ANTIMATTER, _SEVER__, Starkset, Lasterk, *BASTAFIRE, _Vinci_, TBob, MATEY007, STEEL_RULER, YRBauBau, Emersion, bercyt11, XO66IT, D00MWOLF, Skytemplar02, Gundam_01, Tomas_Killer, SYUMAI4601, mikhail_fedorov, CH78, Sherman_jager, DaniCaIifornia, KyCTO, RussianDragon, Musketeer, Kennix93, MiSHOOTka, Vitamin_Rosta, fil_532, _Fritz_Krieg_, Dead_Machine, SpLaSHi_SFRJ, _Insterburg_, VanDarkhoIme, ARCHANGEL_URIEL, LegioXFulminata, ________i___ii__, JustRevenge_TR, LeonAV, Tomris_TR

Realistic battles

  • Place 1 - 50: Egocentrist, Dragomania, _GLEK, ULQ_LOVER, AlphaSRB, AfricanHut, Marmelos, P_E_R_M_A_N_, TwiisterFG, EviL_Wolf, _Dimon_71rus_, _Nishizumi_MiHo_, BPA_JON, DaniCaIifornia, Golden_Falcon_99, coenflame, oBEGaLUL, ainur881, legut_Werkhaizer, prorokMOONBOY, skycrawler4, North3rn, Dumbgunner, _Co6aKa_Johna_, _Bar1pad_, Skytemplar02, PantaRei95_Jugos, CoJIoMoH_95, Accepted, totonz, Maxis2012, Bamboozling, keve20, GOLTX, BoMaWi, Sta1ker97, BlackFlagger, Schiedinator, SameOldSteven, Hantares, uMnepu9I_3JIa, Musketeer, ZetRoX, _Vinci_, FlourBug, AmpoSix, w4ryat, KolosRodoss, MATEY007, Bowenabc
  • Place 51 - 100: D00MWOLF, Dakon88, Sv9toi_Andreiko, xXXNoScope360XXx, tinTINER, Dark_Veteran, kamelas, John_Dorie, __VoLKoDaV__, *vraffini, Im_not_Poppy, HAHOKOCMOC, _SMVO_Snake, Ffajtl, Bbazn, FigasikKoks, ALEKS_ALLSS, MiX_0_ProTeiN, KasimsoT, Christoph27, AXTRA, Filipp132, SovietSorrows, Wolfexe, r0lim, SpLaSHi_SFRJ, torr01, M0rTyr, kareciak, Gigbig, LeonAV, DICTAT0R_UA, ELIAS15, Kennix93, x_Andrew_x, Ulphaso, _Insterburg_, ivan1922, iRedFox, DukeNukem64, benja86, uazik320, _VIKTOR_sk, bobdelete, CABOOSE_CLONE, AlphaHurricane, Steve_can_Game, Hussar15, ShineShooter, Marx_and_Engels

The War Thunder Team


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