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Halloween in War Thunder!
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On this night, demonic forces will try again to break through into our world! It seems like we have found an excellent “antidote” to this as the roar of racing M18 and Po-2 engines is able to frighten away any demons and as the quickest of us all, will also bring special decals and decorations from the Witch's Cauldron! 

From 09:00 GMT on the 31st of October until 09:00 GMT on the 1st of November 

Ground event: “Armour race on a dark path”

Earn 300 rating points in the supercharged M18 “Hellcat” and get a prize - one of the creepy decorations. The rating depends on the position in which you finished the race.

Witch hat
Witch hat
Slasher’s Mask
Slasher’s Mask

You can follow your progress by clicking on the “award button” in the “event” tab. Update in the records table can take up to 15 minutes. 

Aircraft event: “Witch Hunt”

Fly a special "Night Witch" aircraft and earn 300 rating points to get one of the unique decals. The rating depends on the position in which you finished the race.

"Skull" emblem
Emblem "Blow Your Mind"
"Trick or Treat" text

When the races are over, the top 1,000 pilots will permanently receive the unique Po-2 biplane. The vehicles will be awarded during the 24 hours from the end of the event.

Top 1,000 pilots

sidou99, andrei74474, Andron_87, Agustus_sad, ____haterade, EarlickLovMimich, Got_Belkan_Nukes, TheMasterTM69, BGen_VonStewart, BigBadVlad, Tommy_Gym, pork_cake, Halemer, S_Ponomarenko, WarDead1, kauhupiru12, CommuNatsie, _Borizon_, gorgen124, FrodorStarbound, _Yapa_, AlikBuldog, Zachary_Rex, RCPRO32, RGinty, Snipekillz, WINKINGER, Spooder_DaVe, Sunpawz, Letzikas, jandaro, the_pope_, hao_hifumi, Blood_N_Rust, mar225, AJ_cheez, LuSoSo, Tiger_in_ze_bush, Easy_Joao_BR_HU3, HAL20132, YSWBSSTH, tangerinemikan, Janefox, IcedVenom16, _____Zero_____, Destructor237, mikeyh984, Kurt_knispeI, Dyganth, Huzar303, MoistTowelette_, Ordies, TheTomCruise, LeoTheFurry, kapinow, Pa_21, catfish552, _A_OIO_E_P_u_C_T, guernb2, OskarZ, Infynium, Sturmlibelle, Lt_JohnJMcClane, DeadlyPoptarts, Xeon_7740k, SylvesterSly, DePol1, War_Gaming_RUS, AZIPON, JamesNorrington_, *Alexndrit2006, Killing_spree11, __MrGrey__, commander_wolffe, Nathan_Vargas, ACTPOHOM_13RUS, FirstAir, Squaker, Spit_tea, _DeltaV_, Skorpion583PL, Sherman_jager, Apex_Kangaroo, JAS39_Gripen, True_Reaper45, xPanzerShrekx, Jackarooneyroo, Slny04, ukap, Sinss2507, NETORAREMASSACRE, guest4321, TimKAFeeD, _RozetteR_, KomiyaArisa, Proxver, Mabus262, XxX_MegabosS_XxX, ___Vex, Yolanda_be_cool, Richtofen3, RichiN, Pawox, nyander1, ronaldotitan, bucefalus, KOVIET424, _Darelumga_, MadLeviathan, Nyan_Nik, AntarticFox, Mant1cor3, _SputniK, Outolempi, Marc_winner, Kwaqzu, DullahanGG, lamaenOlav, Tokkiri, Nizowskiy_70, von_Degurechaff, Skeetar, ta18, *HUNTERXX9, SupeRussian, AlexTh, Herr_StiGlitz, _Jefer_, yuufo, PUSIOKOV, rouzuki, eliminatorRZ, Takanashi_Sendai, H_u_i_Y_i, CheekiBreekiAir, _Mirdad_, wolfwhite2, Bubbagump42, VIKTOR_911, Tragic All Pro@live, Idroxx, dxdymidget69, Croatian_Wolf, Comander_comrade, RamRaider, Firefighter_112, SAAB_Gripen, Favocount, JacobaSaurus, SEEmeANDdie, Mopar1969, RedSovietBear, GorgeoussFreeman, RasztaPeti_95, Arizona_Ranger45, AL0PEX, SlayeRJ, MISTER_L, Tailpipe_, *Victory_249, Novakiin, Dscooler, WorstKaasSenario, Solzhenitvsky, Tierschuetzer, USS506, Maki_is_My_Life, Duo_The_Owl, Stofferberry, IrineuBr, mihapronin, antocraft225, Stalin_Iosi61025, azl_, VolosatyiDelfin, _Eagle_88_, StukaBIyat, shelonix, Zoldorf, MagnificentMan, DoNotRemember, TheoElKiwito, TerryII, kaamelote, Thermite47345, NewDawn365, Carpwhisperer, T_VLaD_s, Doctor_AKC, ZELFENCA, DminT, Canada_Jack, er7arlord, oops_Sorry_MyBad, legolegolego456, InformaticNuke, *Unemployed_Goose, Mr_Belyi, JagdTuxaua, sw0rdfish7, Icoz, *DOfTheRazgriz240, Rapidicus1, pspfsx1998, Louish99, ZillaTron, PAV73, SkinlessSK, P51Boss, *kobakeenan11, dovbalex, Pirillo, EnderKriger, Babybird53, SINOD200, Priority_6, SVoboDA, Oppofan, ViTaMiHnM203, nixsus, Capt_SumTingWong, Faritik, Panzerklaus44, GUNDAM2333, gregstcroix72, LoBraz, The_Peshka_Pilot, LUCKY_VasyaN, Pryol, x_X_x_MEN_x_X_x, STGGC_Rouzuhippu, Super_Big_Cake, fancey man 213@live, Tronlegacyyy, fritz7571, MOTnandesu, EzioKaiBao_TH, Wardudey2, Parakeet_Kesha, fatfluffycat, MopedThief, sadmaki01, ShuncleSham, DayVidd, Mortal98, garp3, IAmNotGustaf, hawk_12, AlexShae1, *Reiji-Arisu781, Mihey23, DR_panzer, MetratonX, Chris4192, WTBence_HUN, Lazo1337, UnappreciatedFox, DCpioneer, midlart, Radzaarty, Tviti666, coco7262, Per_doter, Geogr4, SkyEye_MCCIX, VladLFr, Secritek, darida8, sheffsly, Kucok_Ponchika, IQslump, LightEagle001, CrierHavok, Desert Eagle61@live, EliteFE24, zack45451, __SaMuRaI__71486, solidier_pl, TheMissingBrick, GaeressForWin, Serp150, madgaben, AbsolutelyDead, *llCERTIFIEDll, *sharkiller004, Farming23srx, Fanfan_l, AmericanGopnik, xX_HAYAH_Xx, xYoshiLP, Fluffi_100, THE_DORAEMON, t0m0g4mer, WWII_Tank, Balint_HUN, Strelomir, SMUGLORD, thebeechhound, *flack97247, Obym, StrangeVariable, LordWiseman, SixthAmrd, Lewiatanpolski, Matouan, Looboaty, togil, KOSMOSHatsune, ARRES5, Lockrit, Jukka56850, Azzdark, wyxts, HEllFiER, SCHWARZER_BARON, Pootisbird59, Masquerade1, Lama111, HUBAL11, FinnishTiger, Alantom, Mihael894, Flaming_Brony, BlackOut1962, *notapier, Jordanjsg, *jnate827, MRSTARLORD, NITROTenshiP2W, vertelmit, Gerber218, Eddie_Yeti, yarik_gameRussia, Paru9, Chukase, Sputnik_77, _SORROW_, Valdis_Gamer, zeke16, kac500, Snake5932, Popcorn_King, Kilops, ATUSAN, Afroty001, Welfenstahl, Mr_InSpEkToR, *WaterLosic, mathis117, Lost_Sector, Max___D, Realvial, Dolhinio, akaR, BHNMAHNE_KyCT, _DIDIGOV_, Spitfirefighter, sep2812, *ZOMBIEKILLER5632, klin5, DEagleOfWisdom@live, Sr_jesuh1, Yak17K_Pikachu, Fire_Lord_, h843528212, Homieman2015, RedRaven956, robofelix88, Perviy_voin, Rumpletiltskin, _BlackSpark_, JKChris, ralf762, noahwolfman, Mittens88, zanitater813, TurnCoat, b1c3, anthrax64, Tragopogon2GO, Nikof85, *hectorcool2536, nightwinG, Captain_Moroni, Caiman60, sagir73504, *Deeznutzz0u812, Aixonet, Primm_Shady, Epic gamerz 73@live, BortSmithson, miguelrl99, Online_63, scornthegreat, shogun_war, BlackFlagger, Kaiserling, ArtemovAlexey, Fubooty, DC___DC, *Squab_23, MrBigELL, aizenns, towarishAziz, allu2000, IFireWood, reportebruhmomen, The007Assault1, _Steeke_, Tiananmensquare, McTorcreek, olimola_, Ofigenuss, *AdamNuggets, ArmouredSentinel, ivan175, Bamboozling, tehRUBENATOR, th3Brain, Sarcastic_Bullet, Tito10starYT, okati2016, SgtRoberto, alexthegenie, ccgamer51764, Gorrisonp, Dawid6671, Milk_Man1985, Raid_Lanse, Renegade_Gunner, MAGIC_POTATO, SLAVA_OTECHESTVU, angrycartoon, hruska11, ilies45, RatArmy, parckker, igorstp, Buddy007007, Dat_Howie, Megapeanutz06@live, ost_speed, Vassk, Soloshrov, Sapped59465, Sandsmann, scorpion111_69, Boblem123, MichailAgrail, DravenGames, C0ldB3er, MonStorM, werla32072, Lumastad, OGPOMHbIE_CUCbKU, Mr__PecheneG, jekajekatwo, nanis18, Afrika_KorpsTH, GrafvonTierstein, onlyknowingall, DmKalachnikov, AXE03, XuPO_78RUS, Gutted, Annelotte_Kreutz, theluftwaffle134, Kiyadam, Reichs4dler, *dtyser, *babychicken14, looboaty, Ivecco, _UnknownGamer_, __ACTPA__, GRTanker, EggsDee, jayy von homie@live, Renamed38495, eMars, N0rdgaming, AKKHE, Letenant_Morozov, kykgamer, MaeSTPo, spiderystomper, SuperComrade, Dusk_der_Jaeger, pepelyaev_mig15, HYX133, PauRC, ZloyPapacha, misha_375, I402SENSUIKAN, BarleyChan, JulioCesar, DirtyBurger_, SullyHudson, TvarisBerlo, Cobalt_Shoutter, NeuRoSkiF, SigtunaJulie, BadassOscar94, Kotobuki_Kirie, VictoriaLouise, Emil215p, Egor54Rus, MrDanger2007, HAMBIBI@live, NJ_Brisk, mobizone6, *buggie26, YuriSV, BafflingAtom, zebraaaaak, Akuma502, AwesomePysh, Neuzkastas, ColonelCipher, _Class_D_, Schigedim, Tank_Zhora, WarGiant, luluski, TeslaIL, BoldeR, Flaxreaper, dogrosie, Good_KIll, Tacchinetor, Meerkat42, Endrosey, crazypilot14, TacoDolphin8, fbdominator62, GenIncompetence, Triteon, xqsx43wjr, nasalbubble, duysen, *DaTo_63, Dawid2062, TBoI_PaPoCHkA, ShaggyCatfish, skinnygerman, kiss_my_Ace, Scinfaxi_, BuDaAz, skeletorlord1, kamikazetanker, conthedestroyer, CZminer146, Akirov, FELIX_Killer, Mydlear, ZombieSlaye37873, machiwo04, rasm175p, vinelupu, THE THICC NUT@live, Doggoby, GoreKiIIer, leonhad, Death_a_Barbar, GESAR_24, *SpikyFloofW, konsti54, ParadisTime, zastavnoj1, Dancek02, Schneller_, _VINI_, Bober_Jan, Nokturno, NeBuLaM203, Viktors16, Arbn Typhoon@live, Tanksalot123, Railer_Butch, NIRBIS, EmmaNova, Rboon, schneesturmNonna, _Igoos_, sallinos, Nikolai_Kobeloi, MuricaM8, Drex10, patdeldime, guyrot2012, MixDerMan, TheSEB313, AngelTL95BG, Kultuck06081961, burntcheese, MaxiS02, Paranoid_Alaskan, LloydMcLovin, prest_dago_ezer, onbedoezelde, nemo2611, DAKman, Rhaena, Average_Pegasus, Stels001, H4cket, chewbaca, AirWolf32, Reimond77, BravoLeaderShark, QuicksilverStudi, BGM109Tomahawk, HavviKo, Poplis, Megumin1337, Nastya3_3, WeAreVenOm, dead_stalker, _2FAST4U_, Trash_Gash_Maste, DonLukario, aroniro, x_Andrew_x, Enforced_Leo44, Vincblackshadow, youfimiya, ValentinSilver, YLuTkuHa_CJlyHKA, k_r_o_k_o_d_i_l, *UltimateDialga, Br35, Spacedude11736, arbter5, Apokko, NoZZZeN_, Captain_Dani, WarHistoryGaming, melandor0, PanzeroftheLake, MrSoldierGuy, lewbro3, tech_niGG, chebl, Ywis, tankist_VA1, Nagibion, Black_Beard1122, Mr_Second, Ap1s, OpsGun65_, Ph414nx, seerek, Crumbling_Dreams, ReichPuh23493, Mr_ZuperAwesome, *assassin44est, dilutebuckel276, xxskynetxx, RiziaM, CTaPnOM, JankoszczakPL, RudeUncle09@live, idkausername123, AndieArbeit, VladTheInsurgent, Flyzart2, xanner999, Lachlantank, XXIunoToBR, NeXu_v2, Das_Kaiser69, tankistmiha, MaVi_ATeS_78, Ariane_Cevaille, Rein235, SliceMeister, YourMo1, YOYOYU, Hot_Potato91, suohaukka, An_Enemy_Soldier, TakahashiKeisuke, SamZero, Steadly, ODSTGlitched, DerangedWaffle, SlavTankman, DarkForce_785, HunterTheme, MJPIA, forfaajes, Dieter_von_Teese, junglekiller, Nikita60012, _399615732, TheRavingGopnik, AlfaProAchilles, RacistBathtub, Rrroomm10, K_r_a_b_b_e, drak121, VuSan4o, Lieder77, J_a_GU_a_R, Perlehoenen, BAPCIK_3BEPb, crazyone_chief, Wiktor02, VertexPolandGE, SOSy, Metr0nome, Lil_ShadowTeddy, Unit562, __SteelAngel__, Dr_Raptor88, Apple_E, E_R_I_K_A, kinyo009, Lewis67432, IZI_PIZI, rpaIIIDaHuH_Mupa, Igorodrigo, ATAT2004, Zethos9, LegionaryRomania, isaad13, SlowRide, *alemazzini, _botya_, hpazf125, grom_rus, ACE_JACK, RonLuka_P_Muted, HiddenButcher, Armium, karahind, BroSpring, skygod60622, UberEnot, TIMO34, Stepan_Guards, *RechtesBlauEck, WarriorLightning, SaintLucifer, prevracenaLavice, LuckyZhao, CaptainPanosonic, DragonTamer1907, Cerrosafe, kill19902, fQhT0M, *zari_PL, kyosuke162ntl, Comett, CoolStarwarsBob, LeChief117, MANGO_KIM, BumOnThePlush, PumpkinNuke, GGarrusLT, artemerffg, Mrumru, Mackeral, D_O_Wellington, jlindsey, Muyotomi, Ash_Wolf, Yellowdesu, v8_Panzer, *benio740, Vevernod2, professor_anime, ELLHN_METEOMAN, gege20001210, NakajimaSakae, SierraBravo, Junker12, TIR3DSL0TH@live, SPARTAN7826@live, MAXAMOUS, shatsaru, GreatUnreal, shalom1406, Penthyn, Seeras, *TheFireIsOnFire, grizzly955, RektoberFest, Lt_Tails, Deltateam70, AJIJIE9l_MuGoB, crossfirePuni, RandomUserMayo, LapajgoO, MajesticXI, Betavulgaris808, *justili11, Narreths@live, Shadian_, FoB_psycopt, Frizare, Matze48616, Rossco1337, _Problem2_, Yakrider, SUPERFLYNN 01@live, TroshKitty, bezball9, Dohyeong, Nephew_Tyler, roro164, Dirtbag_Jim, cervotoc123, G_G_Allin, MASKAPI, Chief_Mufasa, Spoderfaun, Hagiiim, ainur881, *DominusLudorum46, Jac3k_, ment_B_kletke, Bluetiger1357, Tionstav, DOTL18963, mishanja_Greif, Tdark, Chiken_911, ChinChillex, I_I_IaxoB, Cantis, *MRFROST33000, SuperS0nic, TheOutcastRaven, CM1215, mkumamon1102, MapleLoonie, strelok_987, Kolfinn, DrNukinstein, ComradeNyon, Plane12345678, KingAsgore, _ItZzWar_, Vulkan_VS, Delta_10000, Marcin_2002, C1eL, Ikacin, Andrew51822, KevinIsBad, Pure7Blood, GOLDER_R, EmiyaYutachi, *SwedishSoldierXD, Peacemaker_SAC, _Dunme_, Kirito_DE, Jakub963, adosik121, LavrVV, s190s, sinarata, ShamusOrlly, SavageRedline, EPICLJ01, STraTeG, Magarr, GrafKaffee, Issac1709, DortorZloo, HeftySpork, broironi, AndreySm2004, TooT4ll, EvilEl, KICSIRIGO, Ayauhcoyotl, Satius, NoName889, Boevoy_Homiak, k33pg0ing, SlySniper, la11pilot, MVace, Clint_Chipwood, Yurka1989, Kaiorisan, BigRAPTOR 117@live, JKent, Dron20_02, rzeznikzblaviken, InsertQuoteHere, RuskiComrade19_, norman_ishimura, Lurdos1, Otto_ReZed, TheDoggieWoggie, Anahori, REION, Dank_Memes54668, Sepy23, MoonlightDaddy, zozyo, WALRUSS, Quidman, *nemowork, VeNoM_SLO, Mjr_Boyington, SnowLightFury, GamerAS, Int0nerWTD, Serboss153400, nebfab, son_si, Palaius, gmorse13, PUPSIK46, typenamehere, _____Vadim______, Camoes14, *M4A1Carbine556, AnGuAx, samson911, *domnatioADbestia, Melon_D_Eau, IwEgor, Kyaru_SBW, KrecekxD, Aristodemons, Luke4096, Kilrevan, FrosTKosT, Masa_Blimlimlimm, Atanarjuat, Edmontosaurus, m1tanks, Geometrys, Dago11, LancetMkii, Jo1063, thedab, Scorpii666, YuriMalinovskaya, RoyalKnight2419, FinzolaK, TOBIAS1, Artorius11, LIttle_Jack, TuskenRider, Game_Forge, PoMa_6ykuH, H_AL, Der_NeRo, LoganLee20, Psycho_Dracula, sacul_navi, ShadowUYF, zewa112, jotagamer9988, kuznetz111, Chezerr, VitHvit, char_l_e_s, LordTemujin, Computer_M, kapibaraxD, Dexjain15, Arky_uwu, Alteigon, _66thAFU_Galm2, smeghead73427, Schnuppi2004, willlm, *MauserDWM7mm, tphan, Gumtow, XPA6PbIY_OILeHb_, USSR_BIAS, Mehaku, Andry145, JurgisKairys13, MidKil, MadPmaX, Podobo, Shig0bik, StaliniumGod, superdude36098@live, dowi007, CPaHbIu_TaHk, N1kBel19, KirovStreet12, *Kletskous_CH, mzlorg33, JACKATTACK DOY@live, DudeHumpback, TheGreatNightOwl, Zombeak0907, Tankistgv, David_4555.

The War Thunder Team

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