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War Thunder market: get premium content by simply playing!
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A new trophy with vehicle camouflages already in the game! We present to you the “Project-X II”!

This time we selected 40 camouflage variants from 37 authors from WT:LIVE! And the places in the trophy were almost equally divided between historical, semi-historical and fictional camouflages for combat vehicles.

Here some examples what you can find in the trophy


How to get?

The "Project-X II" trophy drops with a specific probability and periodicity in random battles in all modes (except for the cooperative PvE “Assault” mode).

The minimum requirements for obtaining a trophy: participate in a battle in a vehicle of rank III and higher whilst achieving 50% of activity or higher.

Along with the new trophy, two old ones can also drop, but the probability of obtaining a new trophy is much higher.

The rarity of the camouflage will be determined by its popularity on the Market.

In addition to a camouflage you can get a “Project-X” decal or coupon for a rare vehicle.


To open the trophy, you will need a new “Project-X II" key, which can be purchased on the Market for GJN. For the PlayStation 4® and Xbox One players the key and trophy will be available for Golden Eagles in the in-game item shop.

The cost of trophies for the PlayStation 4® and Xbox One players

Trophies with user made content arrive on consoles with a significant delay, so now they will be sold for a reduced price: 415 Golden Eagles.

From 27th of August of 2018 the cost for keys for trophies will be increased to 599 Golden Eagles, to ensure the same deductions from sales on all platforms for creators of user made content which will be sold in the trophies.


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