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Results of the PvP missions competition
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Someone always wins on the battlefield, but someone also needs to create those battlefields. Today we present to you the five best authors and winners from the PvP mission competition!


You will be able to start every mission created by participants in either single or multiplayer mode in custom battles. The ability to start these missions in custom battles will be that every player who hosts must have purchased any item in the shop for $10 or more.


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It’s warriors fighting for a funny shaped ball and not pretending to be mortally wounded, it’s a form of rugby. In War Thunder the armoured vehicles shooting each other for the ball. The rules are the same.

Include a Stuart M5A1 light US tank in the line-up, build 2 teams and punt the ball into the enemy goal!


Аuthor: Dm_G
Awards: 8 000 ,  in-game title “Creating the game”  and choice of premium vehicle!

To be considered for addition to the game!

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War is not only an endless battle, but a tactic which the maintenance and support of allied forces is an extremely important task. It so happens, that two columns of opponents met at an intersection of roads and missed the opportunity to undermine the enemy supply line, neither side made it. Destroy the enemy column and save your own - that's the purpose of the mission. 


Аuthor: aizenns
Awards: 6 000  in-game title “Creating the game”  and choice of premium vehicle!

    Recommendations by the author
  • It is very simple to destroy vehicles, try to strengthen the column or run them in different directions. Rework the balance of your prospective mission and we can launch it in the game!

Start this mission in game

The next mission is also not a classic PvP battle. In this battle you don’t need to count captured points, you need to capture them by moving along a dynamically changing map. Keep the pace, you can’t sit nervously behind a rock, unless, of course, you have a defensive team. :) 



Аuthor: GreatInka
Awards: 4 000  in-game title “Creating the game”  and choice of premium vehicle!

To be considered for addition to the game!

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This will be more familiar to players in a PvP mission, although it does also involve defensive and attacking teams. The defending team holds the key point, which the attacking team can capture only by taking control of two of the three auxiliary points. The captured points can not be re-captured, so even the defending side will have to act quite aggressively.


Аuthor: RideR2
Awards: 2 000  in-game title “Creating the game”  and choice of  premium vehicle!

To be considered for addition to the game!

We recommend that you checkout  all creations from this author!

Start this mission in game

In the air there is no shelter and no complex routes, this means creating an interesting aviation PvP is a little bit more difficult. An attractive feature of this mission, is that pilots will participate in a truly massive battle with the involvement of not only players, but also of dozens of allied AI aircraft. Both teams are united in the task: destroy the enemy fleet!


Author: reia2998
Awards: 1 000  in-game title “Creating the game”  and choice of premium vehicle!

To be considered for addition to the game!

Question: When will will we see these missions in the game?
Answer: We will certainly try to launch them in events, but before this they need to be tested, finalized and planned as one of the events for the weekend!

Question: When I will get my prize?
Answer: Dear winners, we will contact you within 3 days!

Once again, we thank all our authors for the challenging missions! We thank the participants for the addition of their challenging creations to our LIVE site with new and interesting creations. Don’t trash your creations - develop them and they will definitely come in handy in some of our next competitions!

The War Thunder Team

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