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Day of the kindest, cute, beautiful, responsive, smiling...
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Dear ladies, we congratulate you on this beautiful spring holiday!

We wish that the festive mood will be enough for a whole year for you. All the best, success, happiness and health! Thank you for making our life better and enhancing our lives with your beauty, devotion and care!

From 15:00 GMT on the 7th of March until 07:00 GMT on the 13th of March
Play the game and receive unique lady pilots icons!

  • For each 8 battles played in random battles (whilst using vehicles of ranks 3-5) - (You should take certain place in the team - 1st-8th for AB, 1st-7th for RB, 1st-5th for SB. Please note: it cannot be achieved in Enduring Confrontation mode) - you receive a unique lady pilot icon (3 total)

You can follow the progress in the Menu > Achievements > International women’s day

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