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War Thunder Tournament Service
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We have already published information about our tournament service portal tss.warthunder.com, where each War Thunder player can take part in various eSports disciplines: from 1v1 duels to squadron tactical battles of air and ground forces in 8v8 format.

More than 40 tournaments have been played in all game modes, with the combined prize pool of 699.550Golden Eagels. Recently, the biggest tank tournament in War Thunder - the Steel Legion, engaged players in battles over 14 different maps and introduced some unique decals and titles as prizes. Meanwhile, the best aviator teams were competing for the championship title in the prestigious Gladiators.WT 2016 tournament..

What’s new?

From now on, you can find all the news about War Thunder eSports in one place. On the main page there are links to the eSports Forum, Facebook group and Youtube channel.

Together with comprehensive information about the match, including the mission, weather, time of day, difficulty settings, players can check the statistics of each match: number of hits on opponents, how many zones were capped, kills and deaths for everybody who has played in the tournaments.

A server replay is saved for each battle and you can watch them just by clicking a link on the website. This allows players to see all the details of the battles by watching the action from any angle, including “player cameras” and special “x-ray” views of damaged modules of any vehicle in the replay. Analyze your future opponents and develop new tactics by using this feature.

Team captains can now create training lobbies with an exact copy of the tournament mission. Other players from the team receive invitations to this lobby through the game client or join by clicking the link on the website. Captains can also invite opponents or sparring partners to their training lobbies by sharing the link on the tournament portal.

You can follow the eSports news in the official Facebook group of Warthunder.pro.

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