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70th Anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad
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From January 25th 06:00 GMT to January 28th 06:00 GMT War Thunder presents special:

x4 RP gain for the first victory for each nation

30% special discount for all premium Soviet and German planes

Achievements and rewards:


of Alexander Nevsky

battles required are reduced by 50%

"Heroic Fighter"*

achievement's reward

is increased by 50%

(7500 Silver Lions instead of 5000)

*destroyed the most air targets

"Heroic Bomber"*

achievement's reward

is increased by 50%

(7500 Silver Lions instead of 5000)

*destroyed the most ground targets

January 27th sees the 70th Anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad. The city was cut off for 872 days; enemy bombardment and offensive operations to capture the city lasted from the very first day to the very last. For over two years citizens of Leningrad were starving and dying but never surrendered. For 872 days ordinary people were showing the ultimate valour and true grit.

The Siege began on September 8th 1941 and lasted until January 27th 1944.Capturing the city was extremely important for the invaders - both strategically and politically. Supplies were delivered only via the ice road of Ladoga Lake and by air. During the siege the might of the German military did not stop attempts to capture the city; bombing and artillery strikes were relentless. The city was starving to death, people died in their houses, at their workplaces, in streets - but the citizens of Leningrad kept on fighting, factories of Leningrad kept on working, the militia did not lay their arms down, hospitals, schools, even libraries and theatres remained open.

The courageous defense of Leningrad is an eternal monument to the valour of ordinary Soviet people. Through much sacrifice and with superhuman effort, citizens of the besieged city did not surrender and eventually won! In commemoration of this heroic deed, January 27th sees the lifting of The Siege of Leningrad celebrated. 

Also Lа-5 camouflage of Georgiy Kostylev - famous Soviet Ace who fought over Leningrad will be available in one of the nearest updates

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