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Invite a friend - get a reward and share your stories!
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For every invited friend that reaches 
at least one vehicle of the following ranks, you will receive:

70 000 
2 500 

Extra Bonus:
Get a unique Crew Slot for all nations
when ten friends purchase Rank III! 

Dear Players!

Going to battle alone is dangerous, especially on the fierce battlefields of War Thunder. Playing together as a team is the key to victory, so it's always good to have someone by your side to watch your six or flank the bad guys and coordinate with.

You probably have some friends out there who do not yet play War Thunder - but could make your perfect wingman one day. If so, then it's time to invite them! To do so, simply select the 'Invite Friend' option in the game's main menu to get your personal referral link, which you can then pass on to friends that are not yet playing War Thunder. For every player that joins through this link, you will be rewarded depending on his or her progress within the game. Player needs to purchase at least one vehicle of the designated rank to receive the reward.

It's also a good deal for anyone who joins the game as well! Any new player registering through a referral link receives 50  as a gift.

Attention! New bonuses apply only to new achievements made by invited players. The incorrect difference between the old and the new systems of bonuses will be corrected.

If you have a nice story about you and your friends playing War Thunder together,
share it with us in the comment section!

The War Thunder Team

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