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Capture yourself a Yak-1b (Germany) - with Warbonds!
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Pilots and tankers, we now have new offers for you in the renewed “Warbonds” shop. The beginning of the new month will give you access to new premium vehicles which will be available for the completion of battle tasks.

In order to receive them, just complete daily Battle tasks in War Thunder battles and earn a special currency - “Warbonds”, which can be used to purchase vehicles previously only obtainable with Golden Eagles!

The current war bonds will not be removed immediately at this time, you will still be able to use them only until the 7th of June for the purchase of some goods in the war bond shop.

5 different premium vehicles from different nations will be available in the “Warbonds” shop.

Two of the five available vehicles:

Yak-1b (Germany) - The legendary Soviet Yakovlev fighter served a multitude of operations across its service history, so it was ultimately inevitable that this prized fighter would fall into the hands of the Luftwaffe! The German Yak-1B retains its excellent agility and performance at medium to low altitude that its Soviet counterpart displays. As well as this, its powerful centerline mounted 20mm ShVAK cannon and 12.7mm Berezin UB machine gun combination that makes the Yak-1B a favorite amongst many pilots. Don't miss your chance to add this treasured war prize to your collection!

H8K3 - The mighty Japanese Empire's Sea Dragon rises! This improved version of the H8K2 includes a number of upgrades to the airframe that improve the aerodynamics of the aircraft, such as its retractable floats that are incorporated into the wing structure whilst in flight. This impressive Rank II Premium can carry a range of payloads into battle, including an impressive 2 x 800 kg bomb load or 2 x Type 91 Mod 2 Torpedoes that make it invaluable for anti-maritime work. Fans of Japanese aviation and flying boats will not want to miss the opportunity to grab this unique aircraft.

You will be able to purchase the following items:

  • Yak-1B (Germany)
  • Ki-61-Ib (USA)
  • H8K3
  • SMK
  • Boomerang Mk.I
  • Supply boxes containing 50/150/300/500/700% SL and RP boosts valid for 1 battle
  • 150% RP booster for 2 battles
  • Emblem of 419th RCAF Squadron “Three-headed Dragon” . Decal by Colin 'Fenris' Muir
  • Supply boxes (3D decorations - Camouflage)
  • Supply boxes (3D decorations - other)
  • Supply box with vehicle rent for 1 to 24 hours for the following vehicles:
    • M46 "Tiger"
    • Т-44-122
    • Bfw. Jagdpanther
    • Spitfire F Mk.XIVc
    • J2M5 (30 mm)

Emblem of 419th RCAF Squadron “Three-headed Dragon” . Decal by Colin 'Fenris' Muir.

Battle tasks - these individual tasks bring variety into the gameplay and prevent situations when all the players in a battle try to complete one specific task ignoring mission objectives needed for a victory. They are available for players that have reached the 3rd rank of any nation. For completion, the player will receive Silver Lions and Warbonds - special in-game currency with their own shop, where you can purchase a lot of different items.

You can read more about battle tasks and war bonds in our devblog.

Enjoy the new items available and see you on the battlefield!

The War Thunder Team

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