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Ask your Questions: Q&A with the Developers
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From 14.00 GMT to 17.00 GMT on May the 10th, 2016

Ask your questions about War Thunder in the comment section below!

Dear Players!

Do you have a question about the development of War Thunder, that you'd like to put forward to the developers? We are sure you do - and here's your chance! Taking opportunity from the recent introduction of the Website Comment System, we'd like to give our players a comfortable opportunity to get in touch with us and ask the questions they are interested in the most!

The comment section is open for your questions from 14.00 GMT to 17.00 GMT on May the 10th. Your questions will be handled as quickly as possible, but please allow some time for our developers to answer - as you know, they have a busy schedule of adding new features to your favourite game!

Before you submit your question: Be sure to check out the Website Comment Rules as well as the additional Q&A Guidelines displayed below. In order to keep this Q&A productive for everyone, please understand that we reserve the right to remove any comments not abiding by those rules.

Depending on the interest and success of this new approach in Questions & Answer sessions, expect more of them to come in the future!

Q&A Guidelines:

  • Any comment to this article must contain a question related to the War Thunder project, directed at the development team.
  • All questions must be asked in the English language.
  • Please do not ask multiple questions per comment, unless they are very closely related. Submit an additional question instead.
  • Please do not ask marginal questions that can be answered easily by other instances (e.g. 'What is the objective of Ground Strike in Air Arcade?' or 'When is my bug report about XYZ being approved?'). Use the forums for such questions instead.
  • Questions are not publicly displayed immediately, but will be made visible as soon as a developer has answered them.
  • Upvote the questions that you are most interested in!
  • Before posting your questions, try to read those already answered first, to avoid asking the same question twice.
  • Keep your questions constructive, serious and in compliance with the Website Comment Rules. Thank you!

Question submission is now closed! Thank you for your great questions and patience!
The Development Team will continue to look at the questions and will answer as many
of them as possible, but please forgive us if your particular question could not be answered
due to the sheer amount of questions asked.

We will look to further improve the system behind website Q&As as today went quite well and are looking forward to bringing you new sessions in the future! A compilation of today's answers will be provided soon.

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