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Thunder Show: CHOO-CHOO
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most epic moments of the past week. This episode’s theme is do-it-yourself. Why rely on someone else or expect some additional opportunity when you can just go and snatch the victory on your own? Let’s get started!
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  • 27 January 2023
Australia Day
On January 26th, 1788, the British First Fleet landed at Sydney Cove, proclaiming British sovereignty over New South Wales and the founding of Sydney. Nowadays January 26th is the main state holiday — Australia Day. Congratulations to all our Australian players!
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  • 26 January 2023
Japanese Jets of WW2
“Japanese jets of WW2”? What do you mean? They didn’t have any, did they?.. Actually, it’s not as clear-cut as you might think. What do we even consider a proper jet aircraft? For instance, the revolutionary German Me 163 Komet was actually rocket-powered and not a jet, while the P-51 Mustang or the Soviet LaGG-3 actually had some features of a jet aircraft.
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  • 25 January 2023
“Royal Guard”: Warbonds
The Warbond shop for the “Royal Guard” Battle Pass season will be open from 25th of January until 26th of April.
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  • 25 January 2023
Meet Royal Guard, the 10th season of Battle Pass
Guards, to arms! The 10th season of Battle Pass, named Royal Guard, begins in War Thunder very soon!
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  • 23 January 2023
The Shooting Range #338
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 22 January 2023
Thunder Show: Hunting Giants
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most beautiful moments of the past week. Today we’re going to see some combat wit (ain’t that a frequent sight?), a pest invasion, and one of the most thrilling duels of this January! Let’s get started!
  • 20 January 2023
Battle Pass vehicles: AMX-50 (TO90/930)
The main tank prize in the upcoming Battle Pass season “Royal guard” is a new member of the AMX-50 family, a premium French tank equipped with a 90mm gun, oscillating turret and autoloader!
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  • 20 January 2023
Battle Pass vehicles: Bf 109 F-4 (Italy)
Meet the aircraft prize of the upcoming season! A Premium winter version of the Bf 109 F-4 coated with a livery of the most effective Hungarian ace Dezső Szentgyörgyi!
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  • 19 January 2023
Tactics: Chinese MBTs
China started building tanks in the middle of the 20th century. First, the country set up production of components for the Soviet T-34, then started manufacturing the Type 59, a local variant of the T-54A. This was the vehicle that single-handedly kickstarted the Chinese tank industry – the tank with a Chinese body and a Soviet soul.
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  • 18 January 2023
Battle Pass vehicles: Project 183 BM-21
The Cold war Soviet torpedo boat gets into a gun frenzy with a BM-21 "Grad" multiple launch rocket system mounted instead of the rear turret!
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  • 18 January 2023
Happy Lunar New Year!
On January 22nd the East welcomes the arrival of the new year: the year of the rabbit! Congratulations to everyone who celebrates! Let us light up the lanterns, launch fireworks into the sky — and, of course, give out gifts!
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  • 18 January 2023
The Shooting Range #337
Now that we’ve introduced the major new aircraft to you, it’s time for some tanks. Please welcome: the American M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle!
  • 15 January 2023
Thunder Show: TORshing
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most supernatural moments of the past week. It’s Friday the 13th, which means all we can talk about today is devilry and secret cursed knowledge! Let’s get started!
  • 13 January 2023
Swedish Armed Forces Day
The history of the Swedish Armed Forces goes back half a millennium, when Gustav Vasa led a rebellion against Denmark, secured Sweden’s independence and became its king. On January 14th, 1521, sixteen young men were chosen to be Gustav’s life guards. And even today, the Life Guards are one of the largest units in the Swedish Armed Forces.
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  • 13 January 2023
Book of Records: Swedish Aircraft
Sweden didn’t fight in either of the World Wars of the 20th century. The country managed to stay away from armed conflicts thanks to its long-lasting policy of neutrality backed by a strong military. In order for things to stay that way, the Swedish both bought combat vehicles designed elsewhere and developed their own. Today we’re going to talk specifically about the most extraordinary aircraft made in Sweden: from the lightning-quick Draken to the unusual-looking A21.
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  • 11 January 2023
It’s fixed! №70
In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder in the website special section.
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  • 11 January 2023
The Shooting Range #336
We’ll continue talking about the new vehicles in this episode, and today’s Metal Beast is the main competitor for the F-16. Please welcome! A Soviet Generation 4 multirole fighter, the MiG-29 modification 9-13!
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  • 8 January 2023