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Results of polling on the new points in the Road Map
Last week we showed you proposed changes and additions in the mechanics of armored vehicles - and invited you to vote for each of them separately. A total of 52,325 players took part in the survey - thank you very much for your interest! After studying the voting results, we made a number of decisions about the further development of War Thunder, and now we will tell you about them.
Meet Northern King, the 15th Season of the Battle Pass!
The King Tiger is coming to Sweden! One of the best tanks of the Second World War that went to the northern country as a testing tank obtained after the war is the main prize of the brand-new 15th Battle Pass season: Northern King.
The Shooting Range #403
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 21 April 2024
Thunder Show: HOT TATO
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most cheerful moments of the past week. This episode is all about the will to win and pushing the limits. Even if it’s a limit imposed by nature or common sense. Let’s get started!
  • 19 April 2024
Battle Pass Vehicles: Kungstiger
Today we’re showing you the main reward for the new season of the upcoming Battle Pass, which we’ve suitably named Northern King! Meet the famous King Tiger that was obtained by Sweden: an amazing tank with an amazing fate!
Battle Pass Vehicles: P-51C-11-NT Mustang (China)
The Mustang is a legendary American propeller fighter aircraft, and the one we’re presenting today was in service with the Chinese Air Force. It’s going to be the aircraft reward for the upcoming Battle Pass season!
Earn the PLZ 83-130 in the Inferno Cannon Event!
Welcome to the Inferno Cannon event, the second ground vehicle event in War Thunder’s new event cycle! This is your chance to earn decals, a decoration, trophies with rewards and the Chinese PLZ 83-130 by participating in ground battles.
Book of Records: Japanese Navy
Japan was undeniably one of the main naval powers of the WW2 era. The Imperial Navy commanded hundreds of ships, and some of them were pretty remarkable indeed. Today we’re going to talk about the most outstanding vessels on the Japanese roster: the biggest, the fastest and the most dangerous
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  • 17 April 2024
Battle Pass Vehicles: USS Flagstaff
Welcome to the naval reward for the upcoming Battle Pass season: USS Flagstaff. This is an amazing hydrofoil with a turret from the M551 Sheridan tank!
Following the Roadmap: Possible Changes to Ground Vehicle Damage Models
In the War Thunder Roadmap for Spring-Summer 2024, we promised to talk about new effects for damaging ground vehicle crews as well as healing them. We also mentioned that these changes will be based on player voting. We’ll being going through our proposals today and would like you to take the survey — let’s jump in!
Vehicle Review: T14 and its Decal!
As the smoke from the air battles over the very existence of Great Britain cleared, the British were already planning a counterattack, but quickly found out that they lacked robust ground vehicles.
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  • 15 April 2024
The Shooting Range #402
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 14 April 2024
Thunder Show: FIRE ARC
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the coolest moments of the past week. In this episode: a hot Crocodile shower, a nuclear face-off, a danger parcel, and a couple more secrets. Let’s get started!
  • 12 April 2024
Celebrate the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics by Earning a Themed Decal!
Since the beginning of time, humanity has dreamed of conquering the sky, and having reached it we turned our sights even further. On April 12th 1961, a manned spacecraft with test pilot Yuri Gagarin on board orbited the Earth for the first time. In honor of this event, World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is celebrated on April 12th.
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  • 12 April 2024
Advancing Titans: Super-Heavy Tanks of 20th Century
In the first half of the 20th century, there wasn’t a single dominant tank layout that everybody used, like it happens nowadays with modern MBTs. It was a Wild West of experimentation and trial and error, with engineers coming up with all sorts of interesting and sometimes seemingly impractical ideas to adapt armored vehicles to different battlefield conditions. One of those ideas was to create a “landship”, a super-heavy combat vehicle capable of breaking through heavily fortified areas like the Maginot Line or the Siegfried Line.
  • 10 April 2024
It’s Fixed! №90
In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the main bugs we’ve been fixing in the past 1 week. Thanks very much for all of your reports!
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  • 10 April 2024
We’re Rewarding Authors whose work has been included in Camouflage Trophies!
Recently, we released the Alpha Strike trophy! This one was special as it was the 30th trophy released with major updates containing original camouflages from WT Live. For this anniversary, we’ve decided to reward all of the authors whose work has ever been included in one of them.
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  • 8 April 2024
The Toolbox!
The Mad Thunder event is in full swing! Create unique combat vehicles and modifications for them, travel through a post-apocalyptic wasteland, deal with rivals and collect resources.