War Thunder background
New visual effects for aviation
Continuing what’s new in the upcoming Dagor Engine 6.0, that will appear in the game with the release of the War Thunder update “New Power”. Today we would like to talk about the new effects for air battles!
MiG-21bis: Ultimate Fishbed
The MiG-21bis is the most advanced massively produced version of the renowned Soviet Cold War era jet fighter. Soon, this top performing and highly anticipated jet fighter will make its way into the aerial battlefields of War Thunder with the release of the upcoming update “New Power”!
New skies in War Thunder
Today we will tell you about the new skies in War Thunder - this is the first in a series of publications about the new version of the Dagor Engine 6.0 graphics engine.
New authentic decals (until the 24th of November)
A new set of rare decals for your combat vehicles is here!
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  • 26 October 2020
8th Anniversary of War Thunder
Let's celebrate the 8th anniversary of your favorite game together!
The Shooting Range #223
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
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  • 25 October 2020
Thunder Show - Quick reflexes
It's time for your weekly episode of the Thunder Show! Enjoy our selection of epic and humorous Community videos of the week.
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  • 23 October 2020
Teaser for "New Power" Major Update!
A sneak peak of the upcoming Major Update "New Power"!
FlaRakRad: Protective Sphere
One of the more unusual vehicles in the game will be the Roland 3 air defense system on the chassis of the MAN truck! A mighty newcomer joins the battle in the next War Thunder major update!
The T-54/T-55 family
Today we’re speaking about the tracked Kalashnikovs — the T-54 and the T-55. These fearsome, reliable vehicles served in South America, Africa, in the Finnish snow or the jungles of Vietnam!
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  • 21 October 2020
VFM 5: Private Venture
The VFM 5 was a light tank developed by the British Vickers company during the 1980’s based on a previous American project. Soon, tankers in War Thunder can look forward to driving this unique Anglo-American hybrid as it becomes available as a new top light tank in the British ground forces tree in the upcoming major update!
Lorraine 37L Antichar: Anti tank tractor
The Lorraine 37L Antichar is a French experimental tank destroyer, hastily developed during the Invasion of France as a stopgap measure in an effort to boost the strength of the army. In the upcoming major update, tankers may look forward to the arrival of the Lorraine 37L to the lower ranks of the French ground forces tree in War Thunder!
The Shooting Range #222
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 18 October 2020
Thunder Show - Dive into the Aims
It's time for your weekly episode of the Thunder Show! Enjoy our selection of epic and humorous Community videos of the week.
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  • 16 October 2020
Most Unusual Aircraft
We already made a video about the most unique ground vehicles we have in the game: the Soviet missile tank… the American SPG armed with no less than six 106mm recoilless rifles… and many others. Now it’s time to look up… and see all the amazing and weird aircraft designs that real military history and War Thunder have to offer.
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  • 15 October 2020
Birthday of the United States Navy
Today we would like to celebrate the US Navy’s birthday, recognized on the anniversary of the historic formation of the Continental Navy during the American Revolution.
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  • 13 October 2020
The Shooting Range #221
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 18
  • 11 October 2020
Thunder Show - Three Sad Cats
It's time for your weekly episode of the Thunder Show! Enjoy our selection of epic and humorous Community videos of the week.