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It’s fixed! №101

Today, we’ve rounded up and will be going over some of the bug fixes and improvements that we’ve made to the game today and over the past few weeks. If you’d like to catch up on every fixed bug, then be sure to check out the changelog section on our website.

If you’ve found a bug that you’d like to report, you can do so on our community bug reporting platform.

Claiming rewards

Many of you reported a bug related to the free Battle Pass reward levels. Essentially this bug meant that the rewards in these levels couldn’t be claimed immediately, even though the level was unlocked and the previous reward was already claimed. We’ve fixed this bug, meaning you’ll be able to get Battle Pass rewards instantly without any delays!

Missing T-34 fragments


When shells hit the joints of the armor plates of the upper frontal part of the T-34 series of tanks, they did not form any fragments. Specifically this meant that hits on the armor overlap around the driver’s hatch and UFP, as well as the beak joint between the UFP and LFP of this tank was less effective. We’ve fixed this problem and the T-34’s armor will now properly form fragments when hit.

Squad markers now work in Custom Battles

The squad marker is a very useful tool when you’re playing in a squad full of your friends (or a random player), allowing you to mark an enemy’s position for them. This works fine in regular battles, but didn’t in Custom Battles. You’ve let us know about this, so we’ve added the squad marker to custom battles!

Vapor cloud positioning


When Mach speed is reached, a vapor cloud, also called the Prandtl-Glauert effect, forms around the aircraft. However, there was a bug that caused this vapor cloud to display in an incorrect position — for many aircraft, it could even be seen in the cockpit while in first-person view. We took a closer look at this issue and have corrected the position, moving it closer to the tail of the aircraft, ensuring it won’t be displaced any longer.

Kopyo radars


We found a bug in the operation of the Kopyo-21 and Kopyo-25 radars. If the player’s aircraft was not flying parallel to the ground — for example, it was banking or started to dive or pitch up — then instead of the enemy in the radar’s coverage area, it would capture an empty space. This bug has now been fixed!

Sight settings

We’re continuing to refine tank sights and their settings. In the last It’s Fixed, we mentioned some related fixes, and since then we’ve fixed some other things. For example, if you had the “Ready indicator” turned on in your tank sight and fired an autocannon, the indicator would constantly blink. Another one in the Sight Settings menu, the on/off setting in the “Reticle Parameters” section did not turn off the text size setting. Both of these issues have been fixed.

There were also some bugs when moving elements around. For example it was possible to drag the Rangefinder, Gun ready and Bullet type options to the bottom of the screen behind the map preview boxes, causing them to be unable to be moved around without reopening the settings window. Lastly, when zooming in, the range marks in the sight stretched vertically. These have been fixed too.

Thank you for your feedback and reports that allowed us to quickly resolve these issues!

That’s not all

You’ll find the full list of improvements in separate patchnotes. In the “Favorite Vehicles” showcase you can now select a mode, the landscape no longer leaves too “harsh” shadows on the water, and the mechanics of volumetric shells now work again in regular battles!

Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our special service.

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