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Squadron Vehicles: Su-33

The Russian carrier-based Su-33 fighter is coming to the game as a Squadron Vehicle in the “Storm Warning” major update!

Su-33: A Squadron Vehicle Jet / Naval Fighter Aircraft for the USSR at Rank VIII

At a glance:

  • Excellent flight characteristics.
  • Up to 12 weapon hardpoints!
  • Short and medium range missiles.
  • HMD.
  • LARGE!
Vehicle History

The program to create a new carrier-based fighter based on the Su-27 began in the early 1980s in connection with plans to build a heavy aircraft carrier, the Project 1143-5. In 1984, a decree was issued to create a new carrier-based fighter. Serial production began in 1989 at KnAAPO. The first flight of the Su-33 took place in February 1990. Testing dragged on until 1994 due to the collapse of the USSR and financial difficulties, and by that time only 24 aircraft had been produced. In 1995, aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, with the Su-33 on board, set out on a long ocean voyage to the Mediterranean for the first time. The Su-33’s baptism of fire took place from November 2016 to January 2017, when the Admiral Kuznetsov carried out combat missions as part of the Russian Navy’s far-off maritime zone task force off the coast of Syria.

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Introducing the Su-33!

Meet the carrier-based Su-33, another powerful representative of the Su-27 jet fighter family, coming to the game in the Storm Warning major update as a Squadron Vehicle. Let’s take a look at what surprises you can expect with this modern Russian carrier-based aircraft!

The Su-33 is a heavy and very large aircraft with an excellent maximum top speed and roll rate, capable of very sharp maneuvers. However, due to its dimensions and tendency to quickly lose energy, it’s not that suitable for maneuverable air combat. Despite this however, the high strength of the airframe allows for fantastically bold changes in the angle of attack, with the helmet mounted display system giving a great advantage in close combat.

Like its brothers, the Su-33 is capable of performing a wide range of tasks in battles. This aircraft does not have missiles with active radar, so you’ll only be able to start an engagement after approaching. In terms of weaponry, the Su-33 features the all-aspect R-73 air-to-air missile in conjunction with HMD. In addition to this, the Su-33 can also take R-27 missiles, including the R-27ER, one of the best SARH missiles in the game, plus the R-27ET. One key advantage of the Su-33 is that it has 12 hardpoints! A modern radar and informative RWR also give this aircraft a complete picture of the battle and any surrounding threats.

In Ground Battles, the Su-33 can carry a load of conventional bombs, such as incendiary bombs, parachute bombs, and regular dumb bombs up to 500 kg, plus rockets like the S-5 and S-25O. And thanks to the large number of hardpoints, you’ll still be able to take a good supply of air-to-air missiles into battle without forfeiting ground attack ordnance!

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Interesting: We’re pleased to present a new aircraft carrier model for War Thunder carriers in Air Battles — the heavy aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov! The model will appear in the game in the next update.


That’s it for this one! The Su-33 will arrive to the game in the next major update. Like other Squadron Vehicles, this one can be purchased with enough squadron activity points, or simply bought instantly with Golden Eagles. Make sure to join a squadron in War Thunder to unlock this new aircraft just by playing the game!

Please note that this vehicle’s characteristics may be changed before it is added to the game.

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