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It’s fixed! №99

Today, we’ll be going over the bug fixes and improvements that we’ve made to the game over the past week following the Firebirds update. Let’s take a look!

If you’ve found a bug that you’d like to report, you can do so on our community bug reporting platform.

Sharpness issues


After Firebirds released, quite a few players experienced an issue with image sharpness: altering sharpness in the PostFX Settings had no effect. We fixed this issue first, and then noticed some more reports that demonstrated how excessive sharpness made the game look like it was running at a lower resolution. To circumvent this, we’ve moved the sharpness settings from the main graphics menu and transferred it to the PostFX Settings menu instead; all sharpness related settings can now be found there.



We received numerous reports from players who instead of spawning their tanks normally at the respawn point, instead found themselves spawning in the middle of the map falling through the world into the depths below. From here, they were able to fire through the ground at targets on the surface with impunity. We couldn’t let that slide — there will no longer be any underground shenanigans.

Excessive limitation


Some aircraft weapons can’t be used at extremely high speeds, they have a fixed Mach number drop limit. Due to a recent error, this limit started blocking other weapons and even countermeasures on bomb-carrying aircraft flying at high speeds. We quickly spied the naughty part of the code responsible for this and fixed the problem.

Low visibility


In Air game modes, enemy markers started to vanish at distances over 10 km. It affected both Arcade and Realistic battles in cases where an enemy was spotted by a teammate. Like the previous errors, we quickly fixed this one too.

That’s not all!

As always you’ll find the full list of improvements in our main changelog! Here’s a few more while we’re here: while in a tank, your engine volume no longer decreases after exiting sniper view, the game will no longer crash when aircraft debris hit trees, and projectiles no longer pass through allies.

Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our special service.

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