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It's fixed! №86

Hey everyone, in this article we’ll be talking about the bug fixes and improvements that we’ve been working on in the past 2 weeks — thanks as always for your bug reports!

If you’ve found a bug that you’d like to report, you can do so on our community bug reporting platform.

Customizing automatic selection of camos


We’re continuing to improve the functionality of automatic selection of camouflages for ground vehicles depending on the location. We’ve seen your comments and have added the ability to edit the list of camouflages that are automatically selected. If you don’t like one, simply exclude it and the camouflage in the list will then become inactive. You can remove any camouflage from the list apart from the Standard one, and you’ll still be able to select an excluded one manually before the battle.

On the topic of camos, we’ve fixed a bug that would cause a selected “auto” camouflage setting to not save after a battle, which lead to unfortunate moments in using a winter camouflage on a forest map.

QoL improvements to selecting universal backups


We’ve recently added the ability to use universal backups directly in a battle, and to prevent a universal backup from being used accidentally the game provided a popup message asking you if you were sure that you wanted to use one — but this was a lot of clicks.

We’ve now added a “Skip Confirmation” box next to the backup use button so that you can activate it faster. Once ticked, this setting will be remembered on your account and the game will no longer ask you if you really want to use a universal backup.

There’s one other quality of life improvement when using backups in battle. In the respawn window, if it was only possible to spawn by only activating a universal backup, a selected vehicle did not have the “Backup” text indicating that it could be used — that’s been added now!

Reloads in naval battles


There was complete chaos at sea: ships had been allowed to ignore the reloading of torpedoes and bombs! These were allowed to be used one after another without an issue until they ran out entirely. This was quite problematic, but we’ve now found the root cause of the issue and now it’s no longer a problem.

That’s not all

That about finishes up today’s news, but there’s still more to look through. The full list of improvements and bug fixes can be found in the below update notes. We’ll quickly list a few others: the “Order of Maritime Merit” award has been added for the French Navy, the highlighting of projectile impact points that were missing have been fixed, and the overlapping multifunction display in the cockpit has been fixed too.


Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our special service.

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