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Planned economy changes in February

Revision of the bonus reward for victory and defeat

In the recent economy updates, we described the mechanics of earning Silver Lions and Research points, and proposed that you vote for one of the possible variants to change the bonus rewards at the end of a mission. This was followed by the second stage of voting in order to make the final decision with confidence. These are the results:

What RP reward distribution during a battle do you want to have in War Thunder?

  • 56.7% 一 0.8 RP/sec for defeat and 1.2 RP/sec for victory
  • 43.3% 一 0.6 RP/sec for defeat and 1.4 RP/sec for victory (same as before)

What SL reward distribution do you want to have in War Thunder?

  • 66.1% 一 +20% for defeat and +47% for victory
  • 33.9% 一 +0% for defeat and  +67%  for victory (same as before)

Thus, the bonus reward for defeat and victory in mission will be revised in accordance to the vote results. The changes will be deployed with an economic update, which we will announce later.

Discussion on switching to the new economy model

Currently, the game features an economy model with a calculation of economic parameters for mid- and high tier vehicles based on the efficiency statistic for each vehicle. Efficiency is the sum of Silver Lions earned without taking into account the reward multiplier, Premium account, boosters, achievements and mission bonuses for the given time, divided by the number of deaths on this vehicle for the same period of time. That is, the more active rewardable actions are performed by players (hits, critical damage, kill assists, destruction of enemies, points captures, damaging and destruction of enemy bases), and the less often they lose their vehicles, the higher the efficiency is. The system is used in the game for most of its existence due to the specifics of gameplay. We may balance the vehicles by changing their technical characteristics very rarely and through a very limited range as this may contravene historical data that we rely on when we create the vehicles. As a rule, we balance vehicles by the Battle Rating (BR), but we can only change it within certain ranges due to the features of the given vehicle. For example, the vehicles with modern ATGMs with high armour penetration value can’t be below a certain BR level, even when their efficiency is low. The same is true for the early heavy tanks with good armour protection that can not be set with too high a BR, due to a weak gun. 

Click for details

This inevitably leads to a situation where some of the vehicles find themselves in more preferable conditions, they are more comfortable to play and much more effective on their tier. While others can not equally rival with opponents and are far less fun to play. The current economy system (hereinafter, it will be referred to as the "vehicle efficiency economy") is built in such a way, that playing in a less effective vehicle is more profitable on average to avoid the “double punishment” - gameplay and economic - from the inefficient vehicle. At the same time, playing the more effective vehicles is more risky, and requires player skills to achieve a decent reward after deducting the repair costs.

However, with the growth of the vehicle number and the addition of new gaming nations, the uneven use of certain vehicles also grows. Some nations and vehicles are much more popular among players and this affects the efficiency statistics. Therefore, we are considering the option of introducing a new economic system, which will be completely based on the position of the vehicle in the research tree (rank and position at a rank relative to other vehicles). Further in the text, such an economy will be referred to as "the rank based economy". Such a system was originally used in the game for vehicles of initial ranks (currently these are ranks I and II, and also partially III and IV).

The potential transition to the rank based economy will also cause another noticeable change - the reduction of the maximum repair cost. Due to the constant growth of the number of high tier vehicles and the number of tiers themselves, the rank based economy requires revision of the repair costs and multipliers for all mid- and high-tier vehicles. Instead, we are planning to set these parameters on the almost fixed level for vehicles of ranks VI+ in order to minimize the following economic adjustments. In this case, the number of economy-equivalent vehicles will be quite big (all vehicles of ranks VI, VII, and following), and will be constantly growing. Keeping the current max repair costs level for such a number of vehicles would be wrong, so it requires a reduction.

Before comparing two economic approaches in numbers, it is necessary first to recall one of the features of the economy updates - the normalization of the economic parameters for vehicles. The normalization limits the maximum available change of economic parameters in every economy update in order to smooth the transition to the target values, as well as to avoid harsh changes for vehicles, whose efficiency may vary over time. 

Thus, two tables are presented to compare the two economies:

  • with normalization of the values that allows a comparison of the two economies in the next economic update that is scheduled for February. Here you can also compare the parameters for a specific vehicle in the next economic update, depending on the economy used.
  • without normalization of values that allows the comparison of two economies at the target values ​​that economic parameters would hypothetically reach for a significant number of economic updates for current vehicles at their current performance. We are not providing target values ​​with details on specific vehicles, as these are hypothetical indicators that change with each subsequent upload of statistics.

In general it is needed to note the following pros and cons of each economy for players:

  • Vehicle efficiency economy:
    • (+) On average lossless play in less efficient vehicles of rank IV or higher without premium account.
    • (-) Vehicles of the less popular game nations are often the most efficient and as a result unprofitable.
  • Rank based economy:
    • (+) Repair cost and reward multipliers are identical for similar vehicles of different game nations.
    • (+) There is a clear correlation between economic parameters (repair cost, reward multipliers, reward for useful actions) and position in the research tree.
    • (-) Decrease in the demand for less efficient vehicles as they will become economically equivalent to more effective vehicles of the same rank which may also lead to the decrease in the variety of vehicles in the battles.

Generalized key differences between the rank based and vehicle efficiency economies can be summarized as follows:

  • greater reward multiplier for popular high ranked vehicles;
  • lower repair cost for unpopular medium-ranked vehicles;
  • higher repair cost for popular high ranked vehicles;
  • lower reward multiplier for unpopular medium-ranked vehicles.

Let us make some specific examples comparing the target indicators (not for the next economy update but for the final implementation for a hypothetically large number of economy updates at the current level of statistics) of the economy by the vehicle rank and the economy by the vehicle efficiency for vehicles discussed in the community:

  • base repair cost for T95 in AB will be 8360 SL instead of 17010 SL with a reward multiplier of 1.1 vs 1.3;
  • base repair cost for Strv 121 in RB will be 5350 SL instead of 7740 SL with a reward multiplier of 1.5 vs 1.6;
  • base repair cost for Tu-4 in RB will be 12570 SL instead of 30170 SL with a reward multiplier of 2.3 vs 1.8;
  • base repair cost for F-5A in RB will be 10210 SL instead of 5720 SL with a reward multiplier of 3.8 vs 2.9;
  • base repair cost for “Parizhskaya kommuna” in RB will be 28430 SL instead of 50860 SL with a reward multiplier of 2.0 vs 2.3.
  • base repair cost for F-86A-5 and CL-13 Mk.4 (Italy) in RB will be 11290 and 12410 SL instead of 6950 and 10490 SL respectively.

We would like to invite the War Thunder community to vote for one of the economy model described above - economy by vehicle efficiency (current system) or economy by vehicle rank.


Changes of the reward multipliers, repair cost and related vehicle economy parameters 

Please note that depending on the results of your vote the next economy update will be made based on the results of your choice, that’s why are publishing two separate table sheets of economy changes.

The updated table sheet for changes in reward multipliers, repair prices and related economy parameters of vehicles has been updated taking into account modifications and corrections described in this message.

Changes of the research cost, purchase cost and related parameters for some vehicles

Open the table sheet

Changes in the research trees

  • M1A1 Abrams and IPM1 一 switched places.
  • Pz.IV F2 and Pz.IV G  一 have been grouped.
  • Pz.IV H and Pz.IV J  (in one group) 一 have been moved to rank II.
  • TAM and Begleitpanzer 57 一 switched places.
  • Crusader AA Mk.I and Crusader AA Mk.II 一 switched places.
  • Chi-Ha Kai and Ho-I 一 switched places.
  • Ikv 103 一 has been moved to rank III.
  • Ju 88 C-6 一 have been moved to rank II.
  • Bf 110 C-7 and Bf 110 F-2 一 have been grouped.
  • Tu-4, Tu-4 (China) 一 have been moved to rank V.
  • F-104G (Germany) 一 has been moved to rank VII.
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