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It’s fixed! №6

In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder on the website special section.

Cancelling entry into a battle

Did you ever find a thousand good reasons to cancel from a ‘queue for battle’ search and to  instead remain in the hangar after clicking the “Battle” button  but clicking on the “Cancel” button didn’t work and instead put you in a battle?

Let us not go into the peculiarities of session selection and instead just let you know that we have worked on this mechanic. Now, if the game session hasn’t been compiled, you will be able to leave the queue and you will not enter a battle after hitting the cancel button.

Tails and machine guns

Engineers working on an aircraft’s offensive weaponry regularly faced a difficult task - how to avoid the parts of their own aircraft being hit by gunners. In the heat of the battle it was more than possible that a careless gunner might easily sever the tail or create extra ventilation in the aircraft’s surfaces. 

When recreating aircraft in War Thunder we take into account the characteristics of such restraints. This time we have clarified the no-firing sectors for vehicles with an overhead turret. The machine guns of such aircraft will no longer “somehow strangely” bend around the tail and the gunner will be able to fire much more confidently.

Power steering

The engine of your ground vehicle can be switched off. Such an insignificant feature is very useful in combined realistic battles where players can be guided among other things by their own ears. But a muffled (or broken!) engine on wheeled vehicles somehow stopped the rotation of the steering.

Very strange… Incomprehensible… But fixed! Now the strength of the driver will be enough to turn the wheels without the aid of power steering and in case of opening up your tactical position you will be able to depart quickly in the direction you want to go.

Getting ready for “Red Skies”

A major update is on the way. With new maps, game mechanic improvements and other features. Therefore the sixth digest includes mostly what the “It’s fixed” was designed for - fixing bugs!

Even before our update, we have paid attention to such improvements and want to invite you to check out the many fixes in Naval Force, aircraft and ground vehicles! These fixes will improve your game experience.

Open the full changelog

Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted in our bug report section on the War Thunder forums.


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