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Happy cosmonautic day!
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3, 2, 1… let’s go!

On the 12th of April 1961, mankind broke out of its small and fragile world towards infinity for the first time. “The first man in space!” - with such headlines the major world magazines and news came out. The hero of bilions at that moment and forever became Yuri Gagarin.

In honor of this day, dedicated to achieving new heights we return to the game special Space Thunder battle. Also don’t forget about your personal awards for achievements which are so important for War Thunder

From 06:07 GMT on the 12th of April till 06:07 GMT on the 13th of April

Protect the space station by controlling the combat modules. 

Combat space suits

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Choose your role in the upcoming battle. All combat suits are split into four classes featuring unique weapon setups and characteristics. All suits feature sensor systems to detect enemies and incoming missiles.

Assault CSS
Assault CSS

Well balanced between mobility and firepower, this space suit is efficient at all distances. Armored plates protect the pilot from back and front. Available for all mercenaries, even without any spawn points.

Scout CSS
Scout CSS

Light and mobile combat suit with frontal protection, designed for flanking attacks. Plenty of ammo allows spray-and-pray in the enemy’s direction.

Close Quarters CSS
Close Quarters CSS

All-round protected combat suit, extremely efficient at short distances.

Support CSS
Support CSS

Heavy suit featuring powerful weapons and good front and back protection. Its hard-hitting cannons are able to penetrate enemy armor with a single hit. 


  • 12.5mm heavy machine guns.
  • 2000 rounds.
  • 16 universal short distance grenades.
  • Average agility


  • 7,62mm machine guns
  • 9000 rounds
  • 16 universal short distance grenades.
  • High agility


  • 40mm grenade launchers with smart proximity fuse to counter enemy suits and missiles.
  • 1200 rounds
  • 16 universal short distance grenades.
  • Low agility


  • 30mm guns with hollow charge shells and guided missiles
  • 800 rounds
  • 4 missiles. 
  • Low agility
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