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Summer sale! (ended)
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From the 22nd of June at 13:00 GMT until the 5th of July at 13:00 GMT
Unique bundles with 50% discount!

50% discount for special bundles containing unique decals and titles which will not be available after! Check the sales schedule and pick the bundle you like!

 From the 22nd of June until the 26th of June

War Thunder - “Vengeance from above” Bundle

68.96 34.48


This bundle includes​:
  • LaGG-3-34 Starter Pack;
  • IL-2 Avenger Starter Pack;
  • Pavel Golovachev's Yak-9M Advanced Pack;
  • Peshka Advanced Pack;
  • Unique title - Vengeance from above;
  • Unique decal - Yak-9 29GvIAP painting.



War Thunder - “Thirty-Four” Bundle

65.97 32.98


This bundle includes​:
  • Guards Starter Pack;
  • Shielded T-34E Advanced Pack;
  • T-34-85E, 1945 Advanced Pack;
  • Unique title - Baptized by Fire;
  • Unique decal - Soviet Torch.

War Thunder - “Stiff Upperlipped” Bundle

129.96 64.98


This bundle includes​:
  • A43 Black Prince Advanced Pack;
  • Centurion Advanced Pack;
  • Wyvern Advanced Pack;
  • Unique title - Stiff Upperlipped;
  • Unique decal - British Bulldog

From the 26th of June until the 30th of June 

War Thunder - “Fangs of Steel” Bundle

62.97 31.48


This bundle includes​:
  • Attacker Starter Pack;
  • Gustav Starter Pack;
  • Dora Advanced Pack;
  • Unique title - Fangs of Steel;
  • Unique decal - “Wild Boar”, 300th Luftwaffe fighter-wing insignia.



War Thunder - “Die hard” Bundle

72.97 36.48


This bundle includes​:
  • Scout Starter Pack;
  • Hunter Starter Pack;
  • King Tiger Advanced Pack;
  • Unique title - Die hard;
  • Unique decal - 510th Heavy Panzer Battalion insignia.

War Thunder - “Horrendous” Bundle

74.97 37.48


This bundle includes​:
  • Ki-87 Advanced Pack;
  • Chi-ha 12cm Advanced Pack;
  • Heavy Tank №6 Advanced Pack;
  • Unique title - Horrendous;
  • Unique decal - Tengu mask.

From the 30th of June until the 5th of July  

War Thunder - “Daredevil” Bundle

84.97 42.48


This bundle includes​:
  • P-38K Advanced Pack;
  • Ray Wetmore`s P-51D-10 Advanced Pack;
  • George Bostwick's P-47M-1-RE Thunderbolt Advanced Pack;
  • Unique title - Daredevil;
  • Unique decal - 310th Fighter Squadron insignia.



War Thunder - “Thick-skinned” Bundle

67.97 33.98


This bundle includes​:
  • M3A1 Stuart Starter Pack;
  • Grant I Advanced Pack;
  • T29 Advanced Pack;
  • Unique title -Thick-skinned;
  • Unique decal - 758th Tank Battalion insignia.


The final price of the bundle will depend on whether you already have some of the packs or not. Be sure to login to the store to see your individual price!
Upon purchase, you will receive the included vehicles, a sum of Golden Eagles and Premium Account time from packs that weren’t deducted from the bundle price. Note - owning a vehicle from one of the packs alone will not be counted towards the price reduction. You have to own the whole pack as described. You can check this in your purchase history.
Note! You can also get unique titles and decals, if you log in to the game from the 22nd of June to the 5th of July and gain at least one victory, and at the same time you have previously purchased all separate packs which are included in one of the bundles above (e. g. you have all 4 plane packs included in “Vengeance from above” bundle).
Titles will be assigned after the 6th of July to all users who have fulfilled these conditions.
The offer is valid for PC, Mac and Linux users only.

PS4 users will be able to purchase the following packs at a 50% discount, the sale will begin in the 5th July and end at 20th July.

  • Ultra Advanced Pack;
  • Heavy Armor Advanced Pack;
  • Shielded T-34E Advanced Pack;
  • A43 Black Prince Advanced Pack;
  • Typhoon Advanced Pack;
  • Ki-87 Advanced Pack;
  • King Tiger Advanced Pack;
  • P-38K Advanced Pack;
  • Heavy Tank No. 6 Advanced Pack;
  • T29 Advanced Pack.

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